Chapter 12

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It's been a month since I married Taehyung and each day our relationship is getting worst.

I really don't know why I can't hate Taehyung, maybe because I love him? But he only notices that entity, so I need to accept the fact that he won't love me.

"Hey! Wash this now. I need this to be clean, arasso?" he throws a bunch of his clothes to me.

"Don't you have hands? I'm tired doing all the house chores here." If he wants his clothes to be clean the go to the laundry shop. I didn't sign up for this.

"It's your duty to do house chores without blabbering around."

"Can I just have some rest? I can't wash that now it's already late and my brothers might end up seeing me washing this at late night. If you want that to be washed this instant then do it yourself. I'm your wife here and not your maid."

"It's your problem not mine. NOW WASH ALL OF THIS!" I just sigh at his attitude; I know I can't defeat him in this useless argument.

It's past twelve midnight and I'm not yet finished washing this clothes, I really need to get some rest I can't take this anymore but Taehyung will get mad if I didn't finish this.

I felt that my eyes are getting blurrier because of the tears that want to escape in my eyes, as my eyes turn into a dark blue a flood of tears are crossing in my cheeks now.

I don't know why I am crying. Is it because of this bunch of clothes I need to wash with my bare hands? I can't use washing machine because my brothers might hear it.

Or is it because Taehyung is being rude to me and I'm being a nice wife as always, enduring all the pain, I feel physically and mentally hurt because of him.


"Saera-shi? Why did you wake up so early? It's still 3:00am, you should sleep more." Namjoon came out of nowhere.

"Uhm...I'm just getting myself some water because I got thirsty and I want to have some fresh air here." I lied, of course I didn't even get asleep, and I just finished washing and drying all of those stupid clothes.

"You look so pale. Are you okay?"

"Don't worry I'm fine." He was about to believe me with my excuse but then I cough nonstop.

"My instincts are always right when it comes to you. Get some rest now. I will just tell appa you are sick so you can't visit him later in the morning." WHAT THE HECK I FORGOT THAT WE WILL VISIT APPA!

"NO! I mean, I will go with you guys later. I want to be there." I just really want to have a rest there without an annoying husband.

"Okay, but promise me you will rest there."

"Uhm, can I sleep with you today?" I suddenly said because I don't want to sleep in the couch today.

"Why? You have a queen size bed Saera just share with your husband." He was about to leave me but I pulled his hand.

"Oppa please, I want to sleep beside you."

"F-fine! Why do you always do that when you need something? You're so unfair!"


AT LAST I CAN HAVE SOME REST WITHOUT TAEHYUNG. We finally arrived at our house and Namjoon and the other two is busy talking and chatting with appa, so I decided to go to my room.

As soon as I entered the room I scan it, I never explore my room since we arrive here in Korea because of that stupid wedding. Now I remember how my life is being miserable in Taehyung's hand.

While scanning the room I don't remember so much memories because it's kinda blurry or something that is hard to explain.

Too bad I can't stay here for long. I was about to lie down on my bed but a small journal notebook in the bookshelf caught my attention.

I grab it and sat on my bed. What is this? I scan the journal notebook to my surprised it has a password. Wow, who is the owner of this?

It has a code? Maybe this is the password?


It didn't take me long to decipher the code, I used to study this because I find it interesting and besides this one is the easiest code. As I analyzed the code and decipher it, I raised one of my eyebrow.


What the hell is that?

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