4 | valencia

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Via's POV
7:14 pm | club 21

"this is my song, let's go dance!" cora says grabbing my hand and dragging me into the middle of the dance floor.

  "hell no," i say taking my hand from hers and walking back over to the bar.

  we literally haven't even been here for twenty minutes and coralline's already tipsy. i walk back to the bar and take slow sips of my martini, with after much convincing from cora, i finally decided to drink.

a man about thirty years old comes and sits next to me in what used to be cora's seat. his head stays low and his eyes never leave the counter. not even when he orders his drink; coke and rum.

i set my drink down and shift my eyes back to the dance floor. cora is grinding up against some guy that looks like he might be eighteen. gross.

i scrunch my face and turn back around to my drink. i take some more sips; sip after sip i slowly start to feel my head pound.

my vision becomes blurry and i stumble out of my chair and towards cora. somethings not right.

"cora," i say looking at her three heads. "woah, wait a minute."

i hold my finger up and point at the different heads counting. shit, i'm fucked up.

  cora stops bumping and grinding to the music and looks at me funny.

"via?" cora's voice is laced with concern. "valencia, what's wrong?"

i giggle and point at her heads. "there's three of you."

she grabs my pointed finger and pulls me through the crowd.

"wait, what, what are we d-doing," i stutter out slurred words.

"getting an uber let's go," she pulls me towards the entrance. right as we are about to open the door, a hand latches onto my wrist.

"hey you're that girl from starbucks that made my coffee." it's the sexy lifeguard. ethan, i think his name was.

"oh, hey, you," i say bopping his nose.

his face scrunches up in confusion and his eyes dart to somewhere behind me. i don't feel cora's hand in mine anymore and everything becomes slow as i notice i'm falling to the ground.

Ethan's POV

  i swiftly wrap my arms around her and she relaxes. her eyes close and her mouth hangs open.

  "what the hell is wrong with her?" her blonde friend asks running over to her.

  "someone must of done something to her," i respond, the anger in me rising. "was she with you all night?"

  her friend frantically puts her hands to her head, running her fingers through her blonde locks.

  "i-i think, we went out to dance and then," her eyes widen and she shakes her head. "then she went back to the bar to drink."

  i curse under my breath and hold her limp body up, walking through the exit.

  "she needs to go to the hospital," i say racing to my car and getting my keys out to start it.

  "oh my god, um, okay," the blonde runs to the backseat and opens the door for me.

  i place the girls limp body across the seat and hop on the drivers side. her friend jumps in the passenger side and i put the car in drive, quickly speeding out of the parking lot and towards the hospital.

  once we make it to the emergency room i open the back door and pick the girl up bridal style, taking her through the automatic sliding doors.

  a nurse sees me walk in and darts towards me with a stretcher.

  "sir, i'm going to need you to lay her down on here," the nurse instructs me.

  i lay her down gently and the nurse rushes the stretcher towards a room.

  her friend and i are ushered to go sit in the waiting room.

  "it's her twenty-first birthday," the blonde starts. "she always hated drinking, i shouldn't have convinced her."

  she sighs and closes her eyes regaining strength to talk. her hand sticks out towards me.

  "coralline adams, but you can call me cora," she says.

  i shake her hand. "ethan dolan."

  "what's your friends name?" i question, nodding my head towards the room she went in.

  "valencia dalton, but she hates her full name so call her via or v," cora informs me.

  i nod my head and we sit back in silence, that is until a doctor comes out.

  "valencia dalton?" he says reading her name off the paper.

  cora and i stand up and walk over to him.

  "valencia has suffered from alcohol poisoning. we have pumped her stomach and she is sleeping right now. she will also be staying the night just for any precautions," he pauses. "but for the next few days she will be a little drowsy. let her rest as much as possible at home."

  cora nods her head. "can we see her?"

  "yes," he turns around and heads towards her room. "follow me."

wow two updates in one day im doing really good on this book lol i feel like it isn't the greatest but i totally went off plot and it isn't going how i planned but idec anymore lmao ok bye now bitches
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