17 | don't regret

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Via's POV
5:08 pm | hospital

  the constant beeping of machines surround my head and fill my ears. a hand is interlaced with mine and my  finger twitches. the figure next to me jerks up and places a hand on my cheek.

  "via? are you awake?" his voice breaks through to me, deep and smooth yet a little raspy.

  my eyelids try their hardest to open but nothing happens. i could feel the sting from wounds and the pressure of bandages wrapped around them.

i squeeze his hand instead, earning a quiet gasp from him. and then his lips are on mine, just a quick kiss, nothing much. but this spark flew through out my body, igniting me.

"i love you," he whispers against my lips. "so much."

i love you too. i thought but i couldn't make my mouth say it.

throughout the rest of the day i was in and out of sleep. only awake could i hear ethan telling me things. sometimes they were funny but mostly they were about me waking up and the hopefulness in his voice made me want to.

and then when i was finally able to open my eyes only a sliver no one was in the room. i press a button that supposedly calls the doctor or nurse.

a woman with pink scrubs comes in and her eyes wide. "you're awake!" she smiles happily.

my voice comes out scratchy. "uh yeah, i am. where's ethan?"

"that handsome young man that has been with you since the accident?"

i smile sheepishly. "yeah, him."

"i just spotted him walking down the hallway towards the cafeteria. would you like me to go get him?"

i nod my head. "please."

her peppy smile stays plastered on her face. "of course! the doctor should be in shortly."

i sit in silence by myself for what seemed like forever until a woman with a white lab coat and dark blue scrubs comes in. she greets me and asks how i'm doing, then goes over my vitals.

a knock on the door interrupts her talking and ethan peeks his head in.

"via! oh my god, are you okay?" he bombards me with questions.

i giggle and hold my hand up for him to stop. "i'm fine, just a few scratches."

the doctor cuts in. "you did get lucky. mr. dolan, do you mind stepping out for a minute? i have some confidential things to talk to ms. dalton about."

he gives me a look and nods his head at the doctor, walking towards the door and shutting it behind him.

"ms. dalton, like i had said you got very lucky. we checked and ran an ultrasound and the baby is okay," the doctor finishes.

my heart stops. she must have the wrong patient, it can't be. "w-what?"

"you didn't know? ms. dalton, your two months pregnant," she says smiling innocently.

"oh my god, uh, wow, okay," i say my voice getting all choked up.

"i'll leave so you can talk to ethan," she says standing up and leaving.

ethan comes back in and sits on the sofa bed next to me. i stay quiet not ready to talk about my baby, our baby.

"what'd she say?" he asks shutting his phone off.

"uh, ethan i need to talk to you," i say my voice faltering.

his face contorts and he looks scared, nervous. "babe, what's wrong?"

a tear escapes my eye and ethan is quick to react, moving to sit down on the bed next to me.

"um, ethan i-i'm pregnant," i say closing my eyes not wanting to see his reaction. while keeping my eyes closed i manage to squeak out an "i'm sorry."

he stays quiet, dangerously quiet. and then he chuckles.

i open my eyes and scrunch my face together, confused. "what are you laughing about, ethan? this is serious."

"well i don't think it's a bad thing that your pregnant, i wouldn't mind having a mini you around," he shrugs his shoulders like it's not a big deal. this is a big deal.

"ethan are you hearing yourself? i'm pregnant! we haven't even been together that long," i say unbelievably.

"so? what do you want me to say? trust me, if you're scared of me leaving that's not happening anytime soon," he says wrapping an arm around my waist.

a few fresh tears roll down my cheeks. "i know. i love you, ethan, so much."

"i love you more, baby." he pecks my lips and i put my hand on the back of his neck pulling him in for more. he pulls away and places his hand on my stomach, rubbing the nonexistent bump. "how far along are you?"

"about two months," i say thinking about having a little human developing inside of me.

"wow, i'm gonna be a dad. i'm honestly really excited," ethan says smiling like a fool. i kiss his lips again.

"thinking about it now i am really excited, too, i was just nervous at first, i guess," i say guiltily.

the door swings open and i whip my head in that direction. coralline stands at the door as grayson comes walking in.

"how you doing?" grayson asks me sitting on the chair.

"i'm okay, thank you for coming," i thank him.

cora sneaks into the room and over to the other chair.

i look at ethan and grayson. "you guys mind giving me and cora a moment?"

they nod their heads and walk out of the room, leaving me and cora in silence. i make eye contact with her guilty eyes and pat the bed next to me. she hesitantly stands up and i swear i see a tear fall. her weight shifts the bed and i scoot closer to her.

i rest my hand on her forearm and she looks at me again. her eyes red and puffy. "i'm so, so sorry, v."

"it's okay, but can we stop fighting? i'm sorry i haven't been there for you, cora, and i regret not being there but i don't regret spending time with ethan either," i say adverting my eyes my eyes towards the closed door.

she cries even harder. "it's all my fault though. if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in this situation. you're hurt because of me."

"i'm fine, we're fine," i say hinting.

her eyebrows scrunch together. "what do you mean we?"

i put my hand on my stomach, resting it there. "i'm pregnant, coralline."

a/n: bitchhhhhh who saw this coming coz i sure did lmao k bye i love you <3
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