20 | deja vu

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Ethan's POV
5:01 am | their apartment

  "ethan, come on," via's beautiful voice whispers in my ear.

  "baby, wake up," she whines growing impatient.

  i flutter my eyes open and smile innocently. her frizzy hair is whipped to the side of her head and her big brown eyes bore into mine. her pink plump lips look even fuller.

she kisses my cheek and goes to pull away but i pull her back in attacking her lips in kisses. she laughs and pushes me away pointing her index finger in my face.

"you–you need to get ready. we need to be at the airport in forty-five minutes," she says kissing my lips one more time and then walking away.

"you're no fun," i yell as she shuts the bedroom door.

i get up and take a shower. after i'm done i put on a long my sleeve shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans.

"baby, we're gonna be late let's go!" via's voice echoes into the room.

i groan and grab my phone and our bags slowly walking out. via stands at the kitchen counter waiting for me.

"let's go, move your ass, dolan," she says making me chuckle. i swear this girl is going to be the death of me.

she opens the door for me and we walk out together to my car. i put our bags in the back and join via up front.

we make it to the airport with enough time to check in our bags and get our boarding passes. via takes twenty minutes in the bathroom making me wait by myself, receiving looks from many girls.

"okay, i'm ready, let's go," via comes out brushing her hands on her thighs.

"you good?" i ask making sure she's alright.

"yeah, i was just about to piss my pants," she says in an annoyed tone.

i laugh and grab her hand pulling her along with me towards our plane. she swings our hands back and forth while keeping her free hand rested on her swelling belly.

we make it to the waiting area and soon our flight is called. we walk towards the tunnel and show the lady our passes as she scans them. via walks towards our row and i put my backpack above our heads. i pull my phone out and my earbuds.

  via's leaned up against the window and she pulls my head onto her shoulder. i put an earbud in and rest my hand on her stomach as she plays with my hair.


  "e, baby, we're here," via whispers lightly into my ear.

  i open my eyes and the bright light from the airplane blinds me. i sit up and stretch, being careful not to hit via in the process. i check my phone and a text message from cameron lights it up.

cam: i'm waiting at the airport for you and v

me: ok we'll be out of the plane in a bit

i grab my backpack from the overhead bin and then via's hand, leading us out of the plane and towards the tunnel. we walk to the baggage claim and i grab onto our suitcase, pulling it off.

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