16 | always

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Via's POV
11:34 am | her apartment

2 months later

"coralline are you fucking serious?!" i yell infuriated at her sudden annoyance towards me.

"yes! you're always with ethan. like i'm happy for you but i miss my old best friend," she groans growing irritated.

"what the hell has gotten into you? do you know how hard it is when ethan tells me he wants to introduce me to his family? i get it you have a family that loves you and are still alive but i don't and i'm certainly not going to give up ethan just like that. he's my family now, him and grayson both," i let all my feelings out not caring what happened in the process. tears were steaming down my cheeks and her face became red.

"valencia! are listening to yourself? who's been there for you since your parents died and your brother ditched every night? certainly wasn't ethan i can tell you that!" she yells. i mean if i'm going to be honest she has a point but ethan's my boyfriend for god's sake, of course he's going to be like family to me.

"cora i'm done with this conversation, okay?" i say standing up from the couch and walking towards my room.

i grab my car keys and a sweatshirt pulling it over my head. i walk back out into the living room and cora's sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone.

"i'm leaving," i mumble almost inaudibly.

"going to ethan's, i'm assuming?" she asks mockingly.

"yep, have fun by yourself for a while," i say slamming the door midway through her sentence.

i get in my car and sit there thinking about our fight. why the hell did she have to even bring it up? i mean, yeah, me and ethan have been hanging out a lot lately and i haven't really been talking to her but she's never home, anyway. she's either always at work or back in oregon with her family.

i drive down the busy street, tears fogging up my vision. the stop light turns red halfway through the intersection. i don't see the car approaching on the right but i feel it.

my windshield shatters and millions of pieces fall onto the seat and my skin. the glass cuts up my thighs and arms leaving blood everywhere. the taste of copper enters my mouth and my tongue stings.

my head snaps forward and hits the steering wheel, causing me to black out.

flashing red and blue lights light up the whole street, reflecting off the tall buildings. scrap metal lays askew about five feet away from the scene. sirens ring throughout the talking and whispering of curious people. glass is shattered in pieces all over the hot concrete. the smell of burned rubber hovers in the air.

"ma'am," i hear a voice but my eyes stay closed, too weak to lift themselves. "valencia dalton, female, age twenty-one. ran a red light and a another car hit her from the right side. she's unconscious as of right now but we have a pulse."

then there's his voice. yelling at the officers to left him through, that i'm his girlfriend. and then i feel him. his hand on my face caressing my bruised cheek. it hurts a little but there's no way i can stop him. i can't physically move.

"via, baby, you gotta wake up, okay?" i hear him say close to my ear.

  and then i hear her voice. frantic and worried, sobs escaping her lips.

  "it's all my fault!" she screams.

  his voice again. "w-wait, what do you mean it's all your fault?"

Ethan's POV

"is this ethan dolan?" a unfamiliar female voice asks from the other end of the other end of the phone.

  i answer, "yes."

  i pull the phone away from my ear and check the caller id since i didn't do that before i answered. wait, what the hell? it says this is via's phone.

  "ethan?" the voice asks again breaking me from my confusion. "listen, i'm assuming you know valencia dalton?"

"yes, yes she's my girlfriend. what happened?" i panic.

"she just got in a car accident," the lady's voice says in a rushed manner.

"shit, shit, shit!" i say. "uh, thank you!" i quickly end the call and sprint to my car.

i call coralline and put her in speaker while i drive.

"what the hell do you want, ethan?" she snaps the second she answers.

"did you hear?! via got in an accident! what the hell's wrong with you?!" i yell pissed at the tone in her voice.

"oh my god," she whispers on the other end.

"hurry up! i'm headed that way now!" i say hanging up the phone and chucking it in the passengers seat.

i pull up to an intersection and police tape wraps around a crushed car. the sirens are ear splitting and the red and blue flashing lights blind me. my heart starts racing and panic sets in, my hands trembling and clammy.

i rush up to the tape and a police officer holds me back. "no, no, no, let me through! that's my girlfriend!"

almost instantly he lets go of me and i sprint to where via is. blood is splattered all over her clothes and it breaks my heart. her unconscious body laying on the stretcher.

i lean in close to her ear. "via, baby, you gotta wake up, okay?"

i take a few steps back to only hear corallines voice drowning my thoughts.

"it's all my fault!" she screams.

my eyebrows scrunch together in confusion and her uncontrollable sobs echo. i grab onto to her arm.

"w-wait, what do you mean it's all your fault?"

a/n: lol the basic drama of wattpad stories: a car accident. lolololol ok sorry for any mistakes i'll edit this later bye love you all!!
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