Chapter 11

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A/N• I changed the title and blurb for this story because my Bully doesn't fit what I'm writing so just a quick notification. On with the story.

Later that night.

"What the hell?! Joon! Why were we attacked and why did you all have weapons in the seating area?!" I wisper shouted. We were in his room.
He sighed and struggled to get words out.
"Look don't freak out-"
"How am I supposed to not freak out?!" I cut him off, but this time, I actually shouted the words.
"We are..." He cleared his throat. "We are in the mafia business."
I was completely shook. Why did they choose to be in the mafia business?
"So You're telling me! That all of you are in the MAFIA BUSINESS?!"
"Yah! Could you keep it down?!" He shushed.
Just then, we heard a loud, aggressive knock.
Dimples sighed. "Who is it?"
The door burst open with a very pissed off Yoongi.
"Kim Namjoon! You know the rules! No spilling our identities!"
Jimin came in after.
Yoongi calm d-"
"I wanna join!" I cut him off. They all turned their heads in my direction.
The others popped up in the doorway, out of nowhere.
"YOU WHAT?!" They screeched in sync.
"I said i want to join."
"NO! YOU CAN'T!" Yoongi blurted out.
"You're not the leader! Plus, I could help save some of your weak asses!" I deadpanned, while looking straight at him.
"Im not weak! And! You're a girl!"
"So?! Just cause im a girl doesnt mean I cant join the mafia biz!"

"We'll see how you fit in." Jimin spoke up. My face lit up.
"You cant be serious!" Yoongi wined.
"Oh but I am." He confirmed with an evil grin.
"Kamshamnida!" Unlike usual, I ran up to him, jumped up and kissed his cheek, while I wraped my legs.
Usually I'd just say thank you then act chill. But this means a lot to me. More than they think.
"OK, get some rest. We'll start in the morning."
"Ok! Goodnight! Sleep well.. Except for the ghost over here." I ran out of the room, as if I was going to my room. But I suddenly hulted to a stop, because I finally realised that this isn't my house.
"Wait! Where do I sleep?"
"You can stay with me" Dimples replied.
"Ok thanks, Joon!"


A/N• this turned out to be a really short chapter. Sorry. But I want the training to be separate from this one.
I didn't post, because of writers block. I couldn't think of anything about how Namjoon would confess the secret and all the reactions.

But with this... Buh-BYYEEE!!!!

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