Im Sorry

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I'm in my house, packing everything I need. While I was packing, Namjoon kept asking questions that I didn't want to answer. "Namjoon!" I shouted as I heard something break.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"
I turned around. What I saw, was the glass figurine my mother gave to me. The night before the incident. NO!
"NO!" I ran over, pushing Namjoon to the side. I tried to pick all the pieces up, cutting myself various times.
"Here let me hel-"


His face filled with fear, at my outburst. "You've done helped enough! Just go! Leave! I want to be alone! I'll clean and pack by myself!" I let the tears fall. He nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

Namjoon's POV.

I was taking a glass figurine from a shelf, when my clumsy ass dropped it. It shattered across the wooden floor.
"Namjoon!" Y/N shouted, when she heard the loud crash. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" She turned around. When she saw it her face filled with horror, hurt, and anger. She ran to the glass and knocked me out of the way.
I saw her hands bleeding as she tried to pick the pieces up and put them together. My heart hurt, at the sight of tears rolling down her face and the sound of her sobs.
"Here let me hel-"

NO!" I got scared at her change of tone. "You've done helped enough! Just go! Leave! I want to be alone! I'll clean and pack by myself!"
Every word she said, cut deeper in heart. But even more, she let tears stream down her face. I nodded, and walked out.
My eyes stung from the tears, that I was holding back.
I finally let them fall.

I'm sorry. Y/N, please forgive me.

I left the house, leaving a text on her phone. As I was driving I got a call.

On phone:


Hey are you with Y/N?


What?! Why aren't you with her?! You're supposed to be helping her pack! Also you're her ride here!

That's why I left. Someone else should help her and be her ride there.


I.. Just.. Just wait. I'll be there in a little bit and you can pick her up. I have the van so it will hold he luggage.

OK... But you'll have to explain to me or Jin why you suddenly left.


Off phone:

Your POV.

I finally picked up all the pieces and set them in a cup.
I'm gonna fix it.
I was bandaging my hands, when I heard the doorbell ring. Since I was busy, I couldn't answer. They rung it a few more times.
I then heard the door open.
"Y/N?" I heard someone call.
It wasn't Namjoon.
I stayed quiet and continued to wrap my cuts.
Someone knocked on my bedroom door.
How do they know where my room is?

"Y/N? Are you in there?" I still don't know who it is.

y door opened. My body tensified. I heard a door opening. Bit it didn't close.
Smart motherfucker.
I tried to put the kit away quietly, but that didn't go well. Because when I was opening the cabinet, a pill bottle fell out.
"Y/N?" I ran behind the door.

It opened.

The person walked in. I grabbed the knife in my pocket. I snuck up to him, grabbed him, and held the knife at his neck.
"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"

"Y/N. It's. Just. Me." He spoke in between pauses because I was parshally choking him. "Yoongi."
Yeah right!

"Prove it!"
"God damnit Y/N! Let go!"
"Not happening!" He struggled to get out of my grip. I tried to hold back my laugh. How am I, a little girl, able to hold him, easy?
But, sadly, when I laugh, I become weak. He turned around, which caught me off guard. He grabbed the hand with the knife, and took it out.

His eyes widened as he saw my hand. I yanked it out of his.
"Prove it."
"What?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Prove you're actually Yoongi."
He pulled his mask down.

It was!

"Believe me now?" He smirked at my surprised reaction.
He grabbed my hands. "Now tell me how this happened." He demanded.
But with care, worry, and a hint of anger.

Woah! Why does he care? Doesn't he hate me?


A/N  my titles suck! Sorry! But I might not be able to post until maybe Thursday or if not, I'll try to finish that chapter through out the rest of the week. Depending on my schedule In Oklahoma City. But I'll for sure post a chapter on Sunday. Unless I fall asleep. 😂 That's what happened at TABC camp on the way, home. 😂 but anyways, I'm trying to update The Teacher, too.
But as always, goodbye my LOVELY readers! ❤

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