help me, help you

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It's been two days and I'm a little worried that I won't be able to get Y/N back to normal.

Namjoon has been a crazy mess. Going out, coming back with two bottles of liquor every two days.

I think it's because of Y/N.

She has been pushing him away.

I've caught him, at school, on the roof. He was of course by himself.

Him and Y/N would always come up here, during lunch.

Yet, I found him there   during first period.

"Hey Namjoon?"

He didn't respond.

"Can I talk to you? Please?"

Still no response.

"What has gotten into you?!  You used to be so happy and strong, but now you're just depressed and weak! I want old friend back! My best friend! The one who would run around the place. Who would say, 'I'd rather die, than seeing you dead' I miss the friend that would get mad at me when I bullied Y/N, because you care so much! Please be that friend again..."

By the time I finished, I was drowning in tears, and so was Namjoon.

His sobs were coming out loud enough for me to tell he's been hiding them behind the liquor.

"I... Can't..." My heart hurt.

Y/N did this to him.

A guy did something to her.

Why is it the people I care about the most?!

The one I grew up with.

The one I started to develop feelings for.

Next thing I know, I'll be watching everyone get hurt and be depressed.

It'll all be my fault!

"I've caused all of us trouble since the start of the gang..."

"It wasn't your fault that happened to Jin."

"Yes it was... He got shot in the side, because someone was targeting me..."

"Look, if he thought it was your fault, he would've sent you away or killed you. Yet, you're still breathing. Everyone has enemies, everyone has flaws. Just know that we, and I mean it, we care about you... More than you know..."

"Yeah, but is one of your enemies y/N...?"

I was shocked at his change of tone.

"What?!  She's not your enemy, she's traumatized! I've noticed what she's done to you and how she shuts everyone out of her life other than me.. I feel selfish, yes, but I don't feel bad for being one person to cheer her up!"

"What's going on?"

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