Mission 3: Find Her and Leave!

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We turned the lights out. Jungkook and Jimin had no problem knocking the two guards out.

Namjoon, Jin, Hobi, and I snuck inside. We tried many doors. They all were locked.

So it'll take longer, and be more risky, but we're prepared.

Since Namjoon was the expert, he did all the work.

We didn't find her in any of the doors we encountered.

I was getting worried.

What if she did leave?!

What if she's already killed?!

What if she's at the mansion now, and she just left her phone here on accident?!

But we don't get there by this route!

Finally, Hobi whisper shouted, and motionrd, for us to go to him.

We did so.

Turns out there was a door with light.

Namjoon unlocked it.

I kicked it open, desperate to see her slim figure.

Her pale complexion.

Her long, soft black hair.

Her big, thick rimmed glasses.

Her small face.

Her crystal blue eyes.

Her plump lips--

My thoughts were interrupted, as I saw a girl I didn't recognize.

Her face was stained from tears.

Her clothes were thin, nothing underneath.

Her hair was puffy.

Her slim figure was even thinner.

Her complexion was even more pale.

Her lips were dry and thin.

Her face was covered in cuts and bruises.

She had a gash down her cheek.

Her wrist and ankles.............. Were..... Bleeding?!?!

I ran to her.

Rage and sorrow filling my face.

She was shaking, and sobbing.

I undid all of the ropes.

She jumped off,  nearly falling. Namjoon and Jin ran to her.

They put her arms around either of their shoulders.

They they quickly and carefully carried her.

"You guys go! I'll be there soon!"

Hobi stopped.

"What?! Hyung! That wasn't the plan!"

"It was mine!"

He got mad and ran after them.

I'll have to apologize later.

Right now I need to find the damn bastard who started all of this.

I snuck around the place. Everywhere.

I found no one.

I sighed. They fled, I guess.

I walked back to the main doors.

Turning my head to look back one last time, I wasn't ready to leave.

Not yet.

I didn't want to feel guilty of the wounds on her.

What if she blames me?!

It was Namjoon being a shocking dumbass!

However, what I'm afraid of the most, is who did this.

I whispered, ever so quietly,



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