An Apology..

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I woke up with a serious headache.

I groaned and tried to sit up, only to lay back down in more pain.

It was only then that I realized I was in someone else's room.

I looked to the night stand and saw a picture of two women.


I quickly jumped to my feet and ran out to find her.

I sprinted to my room and was going to go to my closet, but I didn't need to.

There she was, sleeping peacefully and quietly.

When I relaxed, I felt a sudden pain in my side.

"How bad did he beat me?"

"Pretty bad."


She stood up and walked over.

"Come sit down, you need to rest."

I sat on my bed and she sat next to me.

"Why were you in my room and why was I in yours?"

"Well I was walking and I found you brutally beaten and unconscious."


"Why what? You're a part of the gang, you're family."

"Yeah but I'm also a bully."

She was silent and looked at her fidgeting hands.

She sighed and stood up.

"I'm gonna go, you should get some rest."

She walked out and shut the door softly.


I hurt him bad.

Not physically, but mentally.. .

Now.. . He feels like I don't like him as a friend nor family..

I'll make him something to eat.

"Hey, Y/N?"

"Yeah?" I answered to tae.

"Can you make me, Jimin and Jungkook some of your delicious homemade ramen noodles?"

I chuckled at his question.


I could here them cheering, then going back to their video game.

I love this family.

-time skip-

"Here are three bowls of ramen."


I smiled and took mine and yoongis upstairs.

I knocked and walked in.

"I made you some ramen."


I sat down and handed him a bowl.

"Well, I want to make it up to you.. You did bully me, but then you became a good friend and bodyguard."

We both smiled at the last part.

"I was just confused and didn't know what to do, I pushed away the truth of you being nice and thought about when you weren't. I couldn't do the same for anyone else because I felt guilty.. ."

I grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry and I know I can't make up for it but can you forgive m-"

I was cut of by a pair of lips pressed onto mine.

To be continued...

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