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They turned towards me with shock in their expression.


Yoongi walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"What are you doing here? I told you to stay at the house with Jin!"

I looked at Namjoon and he quickly looked to the ground.

He decided to walk away.

"Wait! Namjoon!"

I wiggled out of Yoongis arms and ran to Namjoon.

He kept his gaze focused on the ground.

"I'm sorry..."

He finally looked up at me.


"I'm sorry... I didn't know what to do at the time... I was lost. I blamed myself for what happened and felt guilty for putting you and the guys through so much... I let yoongi talk to me because he always bullied me... But if it was you... I wouldn't be able to last without running out...."

Tears rolled down both of our faces.


I turned to Yoongi.

"Is that why you talked to me? The only reason? Because you thought... I would... Bully you?"

I looked away.

He Walked away with tears in his eyes.

Yoongi POV.

I walked out of the school.

I don't care if I get called out.

Why would she think that?

Was I really that rude?

Why did I do that?

I wonder what would've happened, if I didn't bully her?

Would I still even know her?

So many thoughts were racing in my mind, until I noticed that I was in the alley.

"Hello, Mr. Serious."

The familiar voice echoed through the silence.

"What do you want Ji Hoon?"

"You know... I've heard rumors of you being protective of a specific lady."

I turned my head slightly, only to catch a sly smirk printed on his face.

"Rumors are true always true, you know. Or do you not?"

I heard a low, raspy chuckle from the man behind me.

"Oh. Now don't get smart with me."

He paused.

"I believe her name is Y/N? Am I correct?"

His smirk disappears as I say, "I don't know who that is."

"Haven't your parents taught you not to lie? Oh wait! YOU NEVER KNEW YOUR PARENTS!"

He laughed a menacing laugh.

I balled my fists tightly, to where they were turning red.

"Anyways, I hope you don't mind me having a little snack, tonight?"


I charge at him and....

To Be Continued...

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