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I was lying in bed, feeling lost, lonely, and hurt...

As Yoongi went back to school... I had no motivation to eat...

To sleep...



Yet I stay strong and try to... For him..

I just don't eat... I'll never tell him.

I'm scared hell stay out of school, and he won't keep his grades up.

There was a faint knock on the door.

I faked that I was sleeping.

They knocked on the door a few more times.

"Y/N?"  The sound of Jins voice rang through my ears.

I felt him sit on the bed, as one of the sides sunk.

He strokes my cheek and sighs.

"I hate how this happened to you... You didn't deserve it..."

He stopped stroking my cheek. He moved his hand to mine. As he held it lightly, he spoke softer.

"But your killing Namjoon... He's coming home late, drunk, and holding a bottle of liquor... He's sneaking shots... Everytime he walks by your door, or Yoongis... He stops and stares."

I could tell he was struggling to not break down.

My heart hurt at what he was telling me.

Is it true? Or is he just fooling..

Why would he joke about it, if he was?

"When he's waiting for everyone to enter the kitchen, to eat, he stares at the door. Once he sees that you're not going to be there... He leaves to his room or some place..."

I could hear him sobbing quietly.

"He's not eating... He's not talking... He's turned numb... He's turned into a zombie, Y/N... Please... Talk to him... Help him live again... Everyone's dying as they see each other slowly fade away..."

A tear fell from the corner of my eye.

"I will..."

His eyes shot open and he gave me a hug.

I winced at how tight it was.

"Please... Let... Go..."

He quickly let go and apologized.

"Wait.... You were awake???!"

I nodded my head lightly.

"I didn't think anyone would walk in, if I was 'asleep', nor did I think that I would hear.... That..."

"Sorry, but... I just needed to tell you, even... Even if you didn't hear it..."

"Thank you. Yoongi did tell me.. But.. I just felt even more guilty.."

He nodded and gave me a gentle hug.

"So will you please talk to him? So that he will hopefully go back to his normal self?  Maybe if that happens... The rest of us will have brighter attitudes... We haven't been ourselves lately without you..."

"Ok... I will.."

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