Chapter 14

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"I'm going to teach you how to spot your enimies without blowing your cover, along with Jungkook."

"Hey." Jungkook walks in the room.
I waved and smiled slightly. I still can't truely smile in front of him.
"Ok let's start."

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as I felt someones arms around my neck. They put me in a choke hold. I struggled for a while, then I remembered the fighting skills Chim taught me. I jabbed my elbow into his ribs, causing him to grunt. I then swung my fist to his face. He finally let go and stumbled back. When I turned around he was holding his face. "Y/N!" He shouted. "Self defence, Jungkook!"
"I don't think you need training. You're fucking strong!" Tae yelled in ammusement. "Hyung, she needs to learn!"
"I know! I know! I was just kidding! Rabbit!" That formed tears in my eyes. "Hey! Are you ok?! What's wrong?!" Jungkook pulled me into a hug.
I puched him off. "I'm fine. Let's get this over with." With that we started again.

"I'm trying my best! Taehyung!"

"Cmon Y/N you can do it! Just do it!"

"Kookie I'm trying!"

Minutes of arguing and fighting turned to hours. Finally, we finished.
"Sooo, Y/N. I noticed you called me Kookie." I gasped and clasped my hand over my mouth. "I didn't take you for the kind to throw cute nicknames." He confessed. "I guessed.... A more...... Hmmm.. Bad-ass? Bad-ass vibe from you."
"Uhhh I-I ju-just say t-th-things." I didn't even notice. He smiled a cute bunny smile. Uh! Uh! Nope! Nope! Nopety! Nope!
"Uhh... I have to get going. I have school tomorrow. And I need a uniform, to go to school." I waved and ran to the door.
"Y/N? Where are you going?" I heard an all too familiar voice call.
"I'm going home, Dimples! We have school tomorrow."
"But it's really dark outside. And your house isn't that close."
"I'll just walk there, bye!" I ran out the door and out of sight. I let out a sigh of relief.

I can't do that. Why'd I do that? I'm so stupid! They can't find out about my past. I lied to Namjoon! I lied to Jihoon! I lied to Eunbi! I didn't tell them the truth! I told them they died in a car accident! My dad killed my mom and went to jail! Big ass difference! But how am I supposed to tell them a truth like that?! Namjoon told me the truth! I could see it in his eyes, voice, expressions, actions, and tears.
I didn't show anything like that! Now I have to see an older similar version of my missing brother. My missing Kookie. My missing Bunny. My missing...


As I was walking, I felt that someone was watching me. I stopped. I checked my surroundings.


Oh well.
I walked a few yards when I felt it again. This time, I'm playing dum.
I kneeled down and grabbed my laces. As I was tying them, I knew someone was walking toward me. So when he was close, I stood up and kicked him in the stomach, hard. He doubled over, clenching his stomach. I took that as the opportunity to knee him in the face. But what I didn't expect, was, he grabbed my leg and slammed me on the ground. I hit my head hard. I pretended like I was unconscious. He started dragging me in a direction. I threw my self up. I ended up on his back. He tried to pull me off, but, unfortunately for him, he couldn't.

"Get off! Bitch!"
"Let go of me! Bastard!"

We kept yelling in pain, as both of us kept hitting each other. Soon enough, we fell down onto the concrete, him on top of me. He was heavy. He punched my face to the point where my lip and nose were bleeding. His ring grazed my face quite a few times. I then overpowered him. I flipped us around, where I was, now, on the top. I repeatedly punched his face, and a few times, I kneed him in the crotch. After a while I knocked him unconscious. I got up, dusted my self off, after coughing up some blood, and ran all the way to my house. I didn't stop for even a second.


A/N• Hey guys! Sorry my titles are trash. I'm trying my best. I didn't know what to put for them, so I chose this. I always want to add more, so ita not like 100, or 200 words. So, again, sorry. Bye! ❤

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