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Someone stop this man >_>

      The smack of the belt hitting his toned back echoed throughout the empty big house. Jimin bit his lip hard, trying to hold back a whimper as the belt strikes once again. He couldn't fight back, he would beat him unconscious if he tried, and would try to marry him off sooner.

  "...26. Next time I find you sneaking out again it will be 36, Jimin. Your role as an Omega is to stay at home and do chores, not go to clubs and get drunk. I hope you learn from this punishment, if not, then maybe the next." His father's voice was strict and cold, like he was talking to soldiers, not his son.

  Jimin kept his back turned as he heard his father's loud footsteps walking away. When the only thing he could hear were his heavy pants, he slumped onto the ground and pulled his knees to his chest. There was no crying or sobbing, Jimin had ran out of those years ago.

  There was only a feeling of loneliness and total helplessness. It took its form in a black frost that slowly crawled its way over to Jimin. He watched in fear as the frost got closer and closer and-

  "Appa, get up! I'm hungry!" Jihyuns whining jolted him from his sleep.

  Jimin groggily looked over at the very hangry toddler and lazily smiled when he saw his hair. Jihyun's brown locks were stuck up in all directions and had loose waves in some places that made him look even more adorable. The clock read 6:37 and that was about the time when Jihyun would wake him up to demand food. There was no need for an alarm when you had your own personal cranky Jihyun.

  "Okay, okay. Just give me 5 more minutes to get dressed for work, baby." But Jimin made no attempt to get up, which only made the four year old more annoyed.

  So they spend 5 minutes trying to get Jimin out of bed with great effort and many giggles.


  The ebony haired Omega barged out of the elevator juggling two coffees in one hand and a clipboard in another. His cheeks were flushed rosy pink from rushing to the building.

He was greeted by a few polite hellos and many busy office workers bustling about. Jimin was in the same position two years ago, and man, was it hell. But not more hell than managing the waves of new fall models.

  The elevator opened with a 'ping' and Jimin's emotionless face didn't change as Mr. Kim walked in, wearing an Armani suit and a dazzling smile.

  "Good morning everyone." He chirped happily, analyzing the room as everyone greeted back.

  When everyone was done saying their good mornings, Jimin stepped forward and held out a coffee towards Mr. Kim.

"Good morning, Sir. Your usual," Jimin said in a passive voice. This seemed to snap Mr. Kim out of his daze and he accepted the coffee eagerly.

"Ah, Jimin-ah! My favorite assistant, thank you. Let's go, we have many things to do." Mr. Kim walked, more like skipped, to his office with Jimin in tow.

  Jimin didn't mention that he was his only assistant and that they had more than "many" things to do. They had a very important meeting with the business he had avoided at all costs. Jeon Corp.

  Though they have been frequent clients, it's usually a representative or another important person at Jeon Corp that went to the meetings or called them. Never the CEO or his son, but Jimin still gets anxious whenever they have a meeting, since Mr. Kim wants to attend to them himself instead of the usual person that deals with clients.

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