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I GOT NAMJOON. HE LOOKS SO CUTE WITH HIS LIL DIMPLES AND SMILE. The album was just...everything. It was so damn beautiful.

Any who, this is gonna get dark and really just....sad >_> I'm sorry.

Warning ⚠️: Mention of Suicide Attempt

Jimin choked out a laugh.

But Jungkook's face was dead serious and as Jimin figured that out, he cleared his throat and looked skeptically at him.

"You can't be serious, Jungkook. You're not obligated to marry me, those are old ways....Just try to be there as much as you can. I'll tell him, so you won't have to." Jimin said sincerely, and thought that would be the end of Jungkook's ridiculous thought.

But he had to think again.

"I'm not kidding, I need to marry you. It would benefit you and me both. I wouldn't need an arranged marriage and you could have all the money to support you and Jihyun. That sounds like a good deal to me." Jungkook proposed with the most boring, business tone on the planet and had the audacity to stretch out his palm.

Like this was a really good business deal, which it probably was. At least for Jungkook.

Jimin was shocked, kind of pissed, but most of all hurt. He stared at the handsome tall boy in front of him with unmoving eyes, his face blank and his posture was rigid still.

No not a boy, this is a man. Wonder whatever happened to the boy that couldn't control his emotions, that held me so gently and sang me to sleep on the beach, and that was so determined to figure out every inch of me?

As Jungkook smiled and waited for his response patiently, Jimin realized, Jungkook and him barely knew each other.

"Fuck you." He spat out and briskly walked away.

Jungkook let out a strangled laugh as he watched him go. "This is what built up that damned wall Jimin! You just walk away when you're hurt or mad, but you've seen how that turns out for you? This is why no one can get close to you! You push and push and you don't stop until they fall off a cliff!"

Jimin stopped walking and swung his body around to face him, still 6 feet away. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

"You don't know shit about me." His narrowed eyes cut into him like daggers.

"I know enough." Jungkook growled out, looking glorious and fierce.

"That was four years ago, things have changed."

"The way I see it, nothing has changed. Especially you."

Jimin scoffed and crossed his arms as a thought ran through his mind. "What the hell were you doing at that club? Were you following me?"

Jungkooks face gave nothing away, except the relaxing of his eyes and the click of his tongue.

Gotcha sucker.

"That doesn't matter." He answered sharply, not explaining any further.

Jimin seethed. "What the hell Jungkook?! You were following me, I felt eyes on me every time I went out. You're even a stalker now!"

"I have no clue what you're talking about, Jimin. Now stop being so sensitive and let's talk about our arrangement." Jungkook said calmly as he walked closer to him.

"What arrangement? I never agreed to anything yet. You see, you're the same control freak as before. You always want to know why or how or where!" Jimin yelled as he kept taking steps back toward the railings.

"I wouldn't have to be a control freak if you would just let me know how your doing, or why the hell you were beaten to a pulp that day!" Jungkook shouted back as he stepped forward.

"Well maybe I don't want to tell you because I don't want you to-,"

A big splash was heard as Jimin fell into the Han River.

Jungkook stood frozen as he looked at the spot where he once was. "Jimin!" He sputtered as he rushed over to the edge of the railing.

He was nowhere to be seen and as seconds ticked by, Jungkook couldn't stand still anymore. He took his jacket off and jumped in after him.

The current wasn't so strong this time of year, but Jimin was not a good swimmer.

Jungkook heard strangled screams from afar and swam faster towards them. He saw a dark head bob up and sighed in relief. Jimin was okay, at least physically.

He gracefully swam over to him and pulled him up by the waist. Jimin clung onto him, still a whimpering mess, and pressed his face into the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"J-Jungk-kook..." He sputtered and hiccuped his name.

"I got you, Hyung.....I've got you." Jungkook whispered against the shell of his ear and began to swim them to shore.

When they pulled out from the water, Jungkook put his arm under Jimins legs and back, and gently picked him up. The small male curled further into him, embarrassed that he was carrying him like a baby as they walk to their original spot.

The Alpha placed him on his feet and bent down to put his jacket on him, pulling it tighter and rubbing his hands along his Hyungs arms.

Jimin shiveres increased as a cool breeze hit him, but he only looked blankly at the ground. He looked like he was in shock.

"Come on, let's get you warmed up." Jungkook swung  a protective arm around his hunched shoulders, and led him to the parking lot.


Record 26

"....[sniff]..I...I wanted to get rid of my-my baby...and myself....by.... drowning.[sobbing].."

"I'm sorry baby." —

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