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I'm obsessed with heirs, I swear I was awake until three watching it cuz I loved it. Rachel is a b.....very unpleasant person, but I mean, she is still 18 and she was forced to marry him, then developed feelings? Idk, doesn't excuse her shitty personality tho.

Anyway.....that was totally off topic, but I was too busy watching Heirs to update lmao. I'm so sorry, but at least I didn't lie.

As Jimin looked at his surroundings in the big four-poster bed fit for royalty, he jumped out of his skin at the sight of a big fluffy cat sleeping on his legs.

He could barely handle kids, even less animals. Jimin had never had any sort of pet growing up, so he was always extremely nervous around animals.

"She's not gonna eat you." Jimin flung his face to the direction of the speaker.

Jungkook stood there in all his glory in Jimin's favorite thing on him: a white T-Shirt and very loose sweatpants. He leaned on the post of the bed, staring right through his anatomy.

Jimin always knew Jungkook was a little creepy. His numb eyes always drew anyone in, just like Jihyuns...

"Never took you as a cat person." Jimin said with an uneven voice, too scared that the cat would attack him for even the simplest of sounds.

"Yeah, well, we don't know each other very well. Do we, Jimin?" Jungkook questioned ominously.

He's still upset, like a spoiled child that didn't like when he didn't know something.

"Look, Jungkook, please get your cat off me and quit playing games......I hate your games." Jimin said irritatedly.

The taller males face softened for a split second before forming back to its fierce expression. He stretched over Jimins legs and tenderly nudged the cats bottom until she awoke from her sleep.

When she opened her eyes, they were a piercing blue that paralyzed him with a stare.

"Sepph, off." Jungkook shooed her off cutely, with a small smile stretched out on his rough face.

The black cat gracefully jumped off the bed and lazily rubbed herself on the Alphas legs, meowing adorably so that she had all of Jungkook's attention.

Jimin decided that he didn't like that cat.

Jungkook picked her up and petted her like the evil villain in one of those old films, which looked hell of good on him.

"Why won't you marry me?" Jungkook said confused, like he could not wrap his head around someone not wanting to marry him.

Arrogant brat.

Jimin shifted, than gave Jungkook a withering look. "I'm not a toy you can just have with the snap of your fingers, Jeon. I have my reasons, isn't that enough?"

"No its not....I have my reasons too. And stop trying to make me the bad guy...I, look I wanted to be with you." Jungkook spoke with a painfully low voice, like he was telling his mom he did something bad.

The older male looked at him in shock. Jimin knew those words all too well, because Jungkook has used them many times. They mean: I like you.

These were the words that triggered Jimin to unleash his bubbling emotions.

"You say 'I want to be with you', but you leave. You say 'marry me', but where are the rings and fireworks? You say you want to be there for Jihyun, but you haven't even talked to him yet!" Jimin burst out like a dam.

Too many built up emotions overflowed over the sturdy wall he had built to protect himself.

Jungkook looked down, and licked his lips once before looking up with droopy eyes and a sad smile. He put his cat down and moved over to stand to the side of the bed, and took a hold of his hand. Then, he kneeled down.

Jimin didn't break eye contact and didn't take back his hand.

"Hyung, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving and I'm sorry for being cold, but this is for the better. You need to marry me, because if I marry someone else, you will become my paramour and Jihyun...will be an illegitimate child." Jungkook slowly said, like he was talking to a child about something he didn't understand

And Jimin didn't understand.

"What the hell is wrong with being an illegitimate kid?" He cried out in frustration and tried to snatch his hand back, but Jungkook held onto him with a strong grip.

The Alpha chuckled with an emptiness that was so deep. "As Rachel from Hairs once said, 'Because in this world, the bloodline is the crown.' She's exactly right, Jihyun will be treated like a disease by the elite. Because.....my whole family already knows."

Jimin looked down at their hands and took all this new information in. But the only words that really mattered to him were, Jihyun will be treated like a disease and my whole family already knows. He couldn't even laugh at the Alpha watching another romantic drama.

Jungkook took a big breath before continuing. "My own family are my father's enemy. Anything that can destroy him, they will use. Including a child."

Jimin was speechless. He didn't have the capacity to form words in that very moment. His hand went limp in Jungkook's, as if it has lost all fight.

Jungkook only held on tighter. "This is going to be hell, but please, think about it, hyung. I'll give you a ride, I don't want you to get sick."

He kissed his knuckles with soft lips, and got up. Jimin was still processing what Jungkook said to even worry about how late it was or the meaning behind that kiss.

His world had frozen over.


The car ride back to his house was deathly quiet and awkward. Jimin didn't even question how Jungkook knew his address. When Jungkook wanted something, he was persistent till the very end.

He didn't even notice they stopped outside his apartment complex. Even though he was the one staring mindlessly at the window for the whole ride.

"Who did you leave Jihyun with?"

"A friend." Jimin whispered, still looking outside the window.

"When is he going to school?"

"This August." Jimin mumbled.

"Is he eating well? Does he need any-"

"Thank you for the ride. See you soon, Jungkook." Jimin cut him off curtly and opened the door.

Jungkook grabbed his hand with a crushing force, though.

"Think about it, hyung," His eyes glanced over at the apartments and scowled, "and lock your door."

Jimin ripped his hand away and glared at him. "I always do." He said with a sticky sweet voice.

Jungkook smiled brilliantly. "Call me."

Jimin shut the door and the car sped off into Seoul's busy streets. He stood out there for a minute, staring off down the uneven street, and contemplating his next move.

As he walked to his apartment, he let out a empty laugh. "You're so annoying and confusing, Bunny."

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