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This picture got me dead 💀 Perfect Jikook picture.

The sullen Alpha stared at Jimin with brooding eyes from across the small table, silently burning within. Those dark amber eyes pierced him so sharply, like a sword. A sword of anger and betrayal.

He tapped his fingertips on the table impatiently, waiting for the Omega before him to speak. His hard gaze drifts onto Jihyun as Jimin fusses at him not to make a mess with his strawberry smoothie and softens.

Jimin fiddles with the napkin in his hand and readjusts a curious Jihyun on his lap. He refused to sit in the other empty chairs and (even though almost 5) stubbornly climbed onto Jimin's lap until he settled down comfortably.

Jihyun, not really being a people lover, stayed far away from Jungkook and watched his every move with caution and curiosity.

Jimin closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the back of Jihyuns apple scented hair. He sensed his father's distress and frowned.

"Appa here, have some of my smoothie to make you feel better." He said innocently and arched his neck to look up at Jimin, pulling the small smoothie up to his face for a sip.

"No thank you, baby. Just stay quiet for Appa, okay?" He forced a smile and caressed Jihyuns messy fringe.

The four-year-old nodded obediently and slumped against Jimin's chest in content. Jungkook watched them with an angry twitch of his jaw and more erratic tapping of his fingers, impatiently waiting for Jimin.

Stop stalling, just get it over with.

Jimin sucked in a long breath, plump cheeks sticking out, and exhaled. "I didn't know until 4 weeks later, when a friend of mine smelled that my hormones were off. Thinking nothing of it, I went to the doctor and he told me I was pregnant."

Jimin left out the part where he went to a doctor without a license in secret. Those weren't the important parts, for now at least.

"I didn't attempt to find you because.....I was scared." Jimin mumbled as he curled into Jihyun and shielded himself from Jungkook's unnerving stare.

When Jungkook was mad, he was very controlled and calm. The only thing that indicated that he was mad, is the look in his eye and the way he spoke.

"Scared?" Jungkook smiled mockingly and looked distantly at the window.

Jimin cringed but said nothing. It was better to let Jungkook finish talking or else he would forever be passive aggressive.

"Jimin, I can't believe you didn't tell me that you had my child because you were what? Scared?" Jungkook scoffed, but didn't look back at Jimin.

"That is beyond ridiculous. I had every right, as the other father to know how my child was. To hold him, to see him, to be with him! But no, you were too scared! To tell me? To be such a-"

"No." Jimin cut in with a chillingly cold voice.

Jihyun stirred uncomfortably, he felt the tension around him and looked up at the two adults with timid eyes.

Jungkook sighed and hunched his shoulders, becoming less of an intimidating businessman and more of a stressed out college student.

"Bun? Why don't you go to the coloring table over there and color a beautiful picture for me, hm?" Jimins frigid tone melted into honey as he pointed over to the small table with a few coloring books and crayons.

Jihyun looked up at him and glanced over at Jungkook before reluctantly agreeing.

After he scurried along, Jimin turned back to Jungkook with a hard look on his usually soft face and clicked his tongue.

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