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I was dead under a pile of homework, so here is a chapter to sated your hunger? 🤣 Im in love with the concept pictures 😍

It took awhile to calm Jihyun down from his outburst, but settled down immediately with promises of going to the store and buying a toy he had his eye on. A toy that cost thirty dollars.

Jimin groaned in exhaustion and laid his head back on the couch, Jihyuns haunting, heart-clenching wails made him almost go crazy. He sounded like a dying whale, just like Jimin did when he cried.

The petite man was slowly drifting asleep with Jihyun snuggled up on his chest, when the phone vibrated behind his head. Jimin huffed, can he ever get a break?

He pulled it out from beneath his head and answered it with eyes closed. "Yes'm?"

"Park Jimin! Where in the bloody hell have you been?!"

Jimin curses, of course it's Taehyung, the boy is so protective over him when he's sober. Drunk, not so much.

"Shut your loud trap, my baby is trying to sleep." Jimin grits out and lifts an eyelid up to look down at a soundlessly sleeping Jihyun.

"Me and Chanyeol have been searching the whole damn city for you! Thank God Jin called us when he did, or else I would've murdered that stupid bouncer!" Taehyung harshly whispered into the phone.

"Mhmm, and where were you when I arrived, huh? You know damn well that I'm always at the bar and yet you never showed up." Taehyung didn't answer, only left a long silence.

"Tae, I'm not some unstable pregnant twenty-one year old anymore. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself, I've been doing that for a while now." Jimin murmured softly, reminiscing in the days of desperate times and big bellies.

"I know, I know. I just, worry.... a lot, Jimin. I really want to see that smile of yours more often. I guess I shouldn't have forced it, anything that makes you happy, makes me happy, my Jumbles." Taehyung's deep groggy voice soothes Jimin in ways he couldn't comprehend.

"I'm fine, Tae." He said through a restrained yawn and looked back up at the ceiling.


Jimin inhaled. "Of course."


It was a cloudy Sunday afternoon when Jimin finally decided to take Jihyun to get his stupid toy. He had begged all week to go and had been increasingly more clingy than usual. Always attached to Jimin by the hip, never letting him be late to pick him up from daycare, and always wanting his attention, no matter what.

It had also been a really busy week for Jimin, with all the fuss about the Jeon's bachelor magazine and whatnot. But not only had he been tired and sleep deprived, he had been paranoid too.

He always had the feeling of someone watching him whenever he went to the parking lot or whenever he went to pick up Jihyun from his daycare. The presence wasn't malicious or dark, but calculating and cold. It gave him the creeps.

He was looking over his shoulders almost half the time, but he never found anyone that looked suspicious. The paranoia just added to his stress and he was about a second away from snapping at everyone who ever so much breathed in his direction, even Jihyun.

"Park Jihyun, put your shoes back on!"Jimin scolded harshly as Jihyun pranced around him barefooted.

"Appa, I need to pee though!" Jihyun screamed out in frustration, flailing his shoes around in his hand.

The people along the isle all looked over in their direction with an amused look. Others looked over with an annoyed expression before continuing their shopping.

Jimin rubbed his eyes, Jihyun always caught people's attention, whether it be with his cuteness or coldness, he drew them in. Especially his loud voice.

"Appa I'm gonna pee right here if we don't hurry!" Jihyun whined miserably and clutched his front.

"Okay, come on. Let's go." Jimin grabbed Jihyuns hand and turned to the direction of the bathroom's, leaving the cart reluctantly.

But what Jimin didn't expect when he turned around was Jungkook, looking lost and with mouth slightly parted.

His breath caught in his throat and his heart dropped. Goddammit.

Jihyun began to pull hard on Jimin's hand. "I'm gonna pee Pa, please let's go!" He cried, not noticing how his father was frozen solid.

Jungkook wavered a bit and then fell on his knees with an opening and closing mouth. Everyone looked at him in confusion, but Jimin knew what that was: shock.

He didn't move from his spot, even if Jihyun threatened him with peeing all over the place, he was too afraid to move.

It seemed like forever when Jungkook finally closed his mouth and looked at Jihyun with wide eyes, then, back at Jimin.

Their audience had now dispersed, too focused on their own stuff to really care if there was a grown man kneeled on the floor.

Jungkook pointed a shaky finger at Jihyun and muttered, "Is he mine?"

Jimin wanted to melt into the floor right then, but he had to think quick. Deny, deny, deny.

"No." Jimin said robotically, Jihyun still jerking at his arm to get to the bathroom.

Jungkook seemed to come back to earth when he heard those words, because he clicked his tongue in disbelief. He calmly got up and fixed his expensive looking suit. When he looked back up to Jimin, he wore a cold-hard business face.

"Don't lie Jimin, that boy looks exactly like me." Jungkook's face grew dark, angered that he attempted to lie. He was not buying the bullshit Jimin had fed him.

Jimin knew that this was game over. He let out a big breath and let go of Jihyuns hand. The kid zoomed past Jungkook and in search of the bathroom by himself, still barefoot as ever.

He just wanted to protect his innocent boy from the world he would be thrown into. It's all his fault, now Jimin had to take responsibility.

"Let's go get coffee."

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