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Hey guys 👋 so homegirl is gonna go see After with some friends in hope of distracting her from the up coming hell that will go down next week.

  Hope you guys can treat yourself too because you deserve it.


Where is Jaewon?

  Jimin rolled over on the softness that was underneath him. There were hands, hands touching his body.

  When he looked around, his vision blurred with bright flashing lights. He could barely hear through the blaring music.

  Someone put their hand under his shirt and splayed it over his navel. It was unfamiliar and unwelcomed.

  He groaned and brought his hand up to push the other away, but his hand was knocked out of the way.

  The Omega started to panic, but he couldn't lift his head. Figures surrounded him on the couch, trapping him.

  One of the hands went down his pants.

  Then, it all came back to him.

  Jaewon was furious when Jimin came late to their three-year anniversary party.

  The Alpha went all out and called the whole school over to his fancy big house. Some people said it was the biggest celebration of the year, Jimin remembered it as his rebirth.

He threw a vase when he found out his reason for being late was because of his "useless" ballet class.

  They reached an agreement the last time they fought about Jimin's secret dancing. It took for Jaewon to almost get in a car crash to settle things.

  The smaller decided it was time to succumb to his wishes, at least partly.

Jimin agreed to drop all contact with Mark and stop the outings in exchange for taking ballet classes, which Jaewon reluctantly allowed.

  He hated that stupid class, though. It wasn't the dancing, God no.  It was the posh and snobby people he encountered there. Girls and boys that got there because they thought they were the best of the best and some were.

  Meanwhile, Jimin was only there for fun and passion.

  They didn't like seeing him happy.

  A lone tear slid down his cheek. He whimpered as the hands became rougher, more demanding.

He thought they were getting better, Jaewon and him. But that flew out the window when Jaewon left after their huge argument, returning later shit-faced drunk.

  He was so nice, saying sorry and getting drinks for him. Promising how he'd never hurt him again. How could he not have seen before?

The manipulative deranged look behind his glassy eyes was always aimed at him.

  The Alpha had drugged him and left him on the fucking couch. That wasn't even the worst part.

Jimin let out a shuddering breath.

The last thing he saw was... him walking away when the figures started to corner him.

  More tears were shed.

He was done. He couldn't bear even looking at him. Jimin gagged from repulsion.

Please, please save me, he called out to anyone that would listen.

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