Chapter 1: Introduction to a Life

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A small group of people were standing outside watching a brawl while Kenneth recorded with his video camera. It was a late night on an empty neighborhood side street with not much light other than the yellow street lights above and around them; faint noise and clamor of a few excited people roared through. Kenneth was seemingly old in appearance although he was only three years apart from Lucas, his younger brother. It was the bruises that turned Kenneth's baby face into a masterpiece of scars.

Lucas was the loser of the two. He never tried to follow in his brother's footsteps but always wanted to be like him. Kenneth was smart and Lucas knew it, Kenneth just expressed it in the wrong light. Lucas was very confusing to understand, that's what made him the loser but he was a very furious person to anyone outside of his family. This in turn, made these two African American siblings perfect for each other. Lucas and a rival teen were fighting in the middle of the crowd.

Kenneth was cheering on his little brother, "Oh, oh that's what I'm talkin' bout!"

The two fighters separated then Lucas delivered the final blow and the teen falls to the floor. Having knocked his opponent unconscious, the crowd cheered on the winner.

Kenneth shouted excitedly, "Oh damn! That's my brother! Hahahah!"

Kenneth cut the camera off.

Sunlight shined through an alley that Kenneth and his crew was hanging out in. The guys were standing around in the alley talking to one another in separate groups of two's and three's. A black four door sedan pulled up, and then the passengers started to open fire at the crowd with machine guns.

One of the gang members shouted loudly, "Oh shit! Get down, get down!"

Everyone scattered into different positions to avoid the gunfire. Kenneth and one of the other guys ducked behind a car and fired back at the vehicle until they drove off.

Lucas sat alone at the lunch table inside the cafeteria while he ate a sandwich. The school bell rang so Lucas got up and left school. He proceeded to walk home down a neighborhood side street. As he walked home, he was being hassled by two teens that were calling him names and following him from behind.

One teen said as he pushed Lucas forward, "You're a loser. What are you gonna do, you scared huh?"

Lucas turned around and threw a punch at them.

Kenneth was in a conversation at a house party, talking loudly over the music with a friend of his, "So I told her to come back a little later and she wen-"

Someone interrupted Kenneth by tapping him on his shoulder. The man whispered something into Kenneth's ear. Kenneth's mood quickly changed as he pushed the guy away then punched him in the face. When he tried to come back for more, a fight broke out between all the party goers.

Lucas and Kenneth were at home getting yelled at by their mother. Lucas was sitting in a chair out in the hallway, while Kenneth was in the midst of the heated argument.

She pointed out into the hallway at Lucas as she shouted at Kenneth, "Why the hell didn't you pick him up from school?! Look what happened to him because you left him alone again!"

Kenneth replied calmly, "Maybe you could take some kind of blame for just leaving him with me and goin' to do whatever you do-" He started to walk away then turned back around and stopped, "Or maybe you could start raising him to be this better person you want him to be. Don't blame me for your problems. I didn't have that boy."

Kenneth walked out of the room and passed Lucas. Lucas saw the shock on his mother's face then his eyes followed Kenneth.

As Kenneth walked away, he said in a low tone, "You did."

Kenneth slammed the front door as he left the house. Their mother slammed her room door, leaving Lucas sitting in the hallway alone with his head down.

Donnie and his men were talking to Kenneth and his men in a parking lot about a business proposal. Donnie was a made goon with the Agrentero Crime Family. He had a short temperament but was the class comedian of the lot. The deal wasn't going the way he wanted it to.

Donnie whispered to Kenneth as to not be embarrassed and asked, "You can't turn me down you little shit! You owe me!"

Kenneth stepped in close and asked in a whisper as well, "Who do you think I am? I gave you the info you wanted, now get the fuck out my face 'fore it be the last thing you see."

Donnie stared at Kenneth angrily then turned and walked away. Kenneth and his men stood there watching Donnie and his men, cautiously, as they walked back to their cars.

Lucas was standing outside of his burning home at night staring at the fire with a blank expression. Kenneth walked up behind Lucas and stood still watching the fire as well. Kenneth placed his hand on Lucas' shoulder. Lucas didn't turn around; it's as if he'd never see his home again if he had.

Kenneth said, "Let's go."

Kenneth turned around then started to walk across the street as sirens started to ring through the air very faintly. Lucas watched his home become drenched completely in flames then started to follow behind Kenneth.

Kenneth continued looking forward as he spoke to Lucas, "I got a place where we can stay fora while." Lucas looked up at Kenneth as he continued, "We'll find out who did this... and we'll kill them."

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