Assassination Arc (VIII)

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Yona walked aimlessly, still in a daze from her previous meeting. What the old king told her struck her straight in her heart. It's stung. Her mind keeps wandering back to that meeting.


After the little outburst, King Joo-Nam and Yona both fell in deep silence. Yona tried to keep her bearing, calming her raging emotion. Her grandfather helped her by rubbing her back in slow motion. Some minutes had passed before she finally calm herself.

"Feel better?" she responded with a small nod. She kept her gaze on the ground, suddenly found the ground really interesting. Thinking back at what had occurred, Shame started to creep inside her. 

"I'm sorry..." she mumbled, disappointment was apparent in her voice.

"Hm? For what?"

She let out a sigh. 

"For... my outburst... it's unbecoming of me... as a princess..." he didn't say anything for a moment. Then she heard a click sound, assuming that the old man was taking a sip of his tea. Her own tea had long been forgotten.

No sooner than that, she heard a chuckled. 

"There is a time when we need to hold back; there is also a time when we need to pour it out. Otherwise, we'll go nuts. This world is crazy enough. It doesn't need to be crazier than it already is." He told her gently.

She frowned, taking her eyes from the floor, she looks straight at him. 

"But still..." she bit her lips. "It was so childish..." she continued, "...and I shouldn't have poured it out on you, Grandfather..." she let her eyes wander again, looking at anything but him.

"Do you actually forget that you are basically a child now?" he asked her with a hint of amusement. "It's not childish per se. In truth, I'm glad that you let it out. It was actually one of my goals to figure out just who you are."

Hearing that, she let her gaze wander back to her Grandfather, and she blinked and blinked. She really didn't realize that he had that kind of objective all along. 

All of this time, she only thought that he was suspicious of her, wanting to keep her close to him so he could keep an eye on her. After all, there was a saying: Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, but now, it seemed he only wanted to figure her out or was she wrong again? She didn't know.

She mentally shook her head. Drinking the forgotten tea, she cringed at the coldness that soon numbed her tongue. Her tea has gone cold, making the tea taste more bitter than usual. 

It seemed that the Emperor had also come into the same conclusion for he called his servant to serve them a new set of sweets and tea. Both of them waited in the comfortable silence, despite the argument that happened a while ago.

Minutes passed with no spoken word. The servants came with fresh sweets and tea. She saw the content look on the old man's face as he took a sip of his tea before she joins him in drinking her tea. A cup of fresh warm tea is indeed better than the cold tea she drank before.

The silence was broken by the Emperor. "Do you have a weapon?" he asked, taking a bite at the served sweets. Yona shook her head a little. "no." she answered.

King Joo-Nam's eyebrow rose a little. 

"Then how are you supposed to learn self-defense?" his face and voice bear the hint of incredulous, maybe because Yona was so ill-prepared in everything despite the maturity that she had shown.

She tilted her head a little. "Martial arts?" she responded, wearing a confused look. She didn't know what's the problem with the lack of weapons in aiding her to learn self-defense. There are tons of ways to learn self-defense weaponless.

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