Interlude (III)

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Hak was sitting on the porch. Night had fallen fast upon the land. No more than three hours ago the sky was painted with hues of red, orange and pink, but all color had faded leaving only a matt black canvas with no stars to be looked upon.

Other than the darkness and himself all that seemed to exist was the chilly wind that's harsh bite could be felt through his coat. The flames of the torch may have looked as though they burned warm, but their heat did not reach his skin.

Whenever he was alone, his mind always wandered to one person, Yona. For him, she was an enigma.

She was different, different from whom he used to, different from whom he admired, different from the one he loved so much. The one standing there was someone that he knew yet at the same time felt like a stranger and that hurt the most.

Because he couldn't see her sunny face, couldn't see her beautiful smiles, and couldn't see her happy...

She used to be like a sun that shines brightly in the sky, melting the coldness in people's hearts...

She used to be like a flower that blooms throughout the year, no matter what season it is...

But now...

She was like a moon that shone dimly at the night sky, alone, without any care in the world...

She was like a dark cloud that drifted freely in the sky, without anything to bind it, ready to pour the cold rain to the earth...

She became someone who was not only unreachable but also someone who didn't want to be reached.

And he... didn't know how to reach her.

Honestly, he wasn't even sure why he still has this 'love' thing. The Yona that he loved was those from his dreams, something not real. For all he knew, it might have been a fragment of his imagination. And yet, he still clung on the hope for meeting and finding that Yona.

Why he could fell in love with someone from his dream, he wondered. But no amount of thinking could give him an answer. The dream felt too real for it to be a mere dream. But maybe it was only a dream after all? Because none of what he had dreamed before really happened in reality. In fact, the dream differed too much from the reality he currently living in. Perhaps he was worrying too much. But when he thought back to Yona's current state, somehow he felt that he was too lax.

He stared at the moon up above. "Yona... when are you going to wake up and show the world that troublesome deadpanned face of yours?" he muttered. 'You are making every single soul crying in the silent...'


"Kid, it's bedtime."

Hak didn't even turn around to know who called him. "Ah." He nodded slightly but still stayed on his seat. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Mundok took a seat beside him.

"What are you thinking about?" Mundok asked gently.

Honestly, Hak didn't know what to say. Too many things occupy his head, he didn't which to share. But there was one urgent thing. "Soo-Won started to get them too..." he told Mundok.

Both of them knew what it's about, and that was those dreams that Hak had gotten around a year ago. He wondered if they had the dreams or not, but the important part here was that Soo-Won also got them. It means that other than Hak, others also had the chance to get those dreams. And maybe Yona also had them.

Mundok only hummed. "Hmm? Is that so?" he eyed Hak from the corner of his eyes. "And? Is there a problem with that?" he asked.

"A lot," Hak answered bluntly.


Hak sighed as he frowned. "I never did tell you about him, did I?"

Mundok waved his hand dismissively. "Nah, you did, in passing by."

"Oh well, I didn't exactly have a good impression about him before." True, Hak didn't like Soo-Won at first. It was all because of the dream he had, which made him labeled Soo-Won as a betrayer even before he met Soo-Won. It gradually changed though, as he spent time with Soo-Won. He was willing to give Soo-Won a chance, and in the meantime, preventing his dream to happen.

"Figure so." Mundok nodded.

"I'll tell you, bits by bits. It's a long story." Hak said. This was a story that he had been hesitant to tell before, but he decided to tell Mundok. He trusted Mundok with his life, and honestly, he really needed a second opinion. Having someone back you up wouldn't hurt he guessed.

"Well, the night is still long, long enough for you to cover your whole story," Mundok said calmly.

Hak pondered for a while, choosing his words carefully. "If I can summarize it, I would say Soo-Won is the source of my nightmare."

To Be Continued

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