Interlude (II)

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In another room, Mundok was visiting King Joo-Nam. Both of them talked about a lot of things before their conversation turned to Yona.

"Yona-sama is not getting better..." Mundok said in concerned. "I heard that her condition worsened."

The King silently took a sip of his tea. He put down his cup and stared at Mundok. "She'll live. She won't die." It was said with confidence like that was a fact.

Their conversation was halted when there was a knock. A simple 'come in' was heard afterward, and then the door opened to reveal a standing Il.

"Father..." Il said as he bowed in front of King Joo-Nam. The same was done by Mundok to Il before Mundok threw King Joo-Nam a glance. A nod was given to Mundok and he stood from his place, once again bowed to the King and Il before stepping out from the room, giving the father and son their privacy.

After Mundok left, King Joo-Nam beckoned to Il. "Il... come here..."

Taking a seat in front of King Joo-Nam, Il looked at his father in concern. "How are you, father? Don't work yourself too hard, your health has worsened." He said.

The said father snorted. "I'm not as weak as you think I am. I still can fight with my bare hand." He said, taking another sip of his tea.

His son sweatdropped as he eyed him. Clearing his throat, Il looked at his father. "Is there anything you need from me?"

Not one to beat around the bush, King Joo-Nam asked, "How is your wife?"

The silence was soon followed. Il's eyes dimmed as his mind drifted to his young child, his precious daughter with a bandaged body. It hurt him to see her like that, but he still held to the hope that she'll come out alive. But it wasn't the same for his wife.

His wife had fallen to despair. She couldn't bear it at all. Nights were spent weeping inside Yona's chamber; meals were only touched if he forced her to eat. She was basically did nothing except stayed beside Yona. And as a result, she had fallen ill. Her body gradually became weaker and weaker, and he honestly didn't know what to do. One was on the verge of dying while the other one was gradually slipping through his fingers. 

How he wished he could split himself to attend both of his precious ones. But he couldn't. He knew he needed to make a priority, and he chose his wife, not because his daughter was unimportant, but more because his wife needed him more. He couldn't do anything to help Yona, but he would be damn if he couldn't at least help his wife getting her health back.

Whenever he saw her, he could feel sadness crept inside, like a thousand papers cut his heart. None were enough to kill him, but over time their accumulation bled him of the humanity he had once had. He once was gregarious and generous natured, now he was just gaunt and melancholy.

King Joo-Nam knew exactly why his son grew quite. If his son was feeling depressed, he was furious. No one and absolutely no one were allowed to mess with his family. 

"Who is the fool that thinks it is alright to do an assassination attempt toward a royal?! When they are caught, I'll -" he was cut by a coughing fit that suddenly emerged.

Panic at the sudden cough, Il quickly offered him a drink. "Father! Please calm down. You'll only worsen your health." He said worriedly.

After a while, King Joo-Nam managed to calm himself down. He took a big gulp of his tea before giving his son a hard glare. "Fool! I'm not going to die from a mere cough!" he snapped.

And again, Il could only sweatdrop. 'I didn't say anything about dying, did I?' he mentally asked himself. He silently sighed.

"Anyway... Il, I suppose I'll let you look after this kingdom in my stead." King Joo-Nam said with a monotone-voice. Il was stunned; it felt like a bomb was suddenly thrown to his face. Both of them stare blankly at each other as seconds ticked by.

"Take care of this kingdom? What..." a hint of surprise and confusion were heard in Il's voice. Though, King Joo-Nam being himself didn't elaborate more.

"You'll know when the time comes. Take good care of this empire until he is ready."

"Father, what..."

Not waiting for Il to ask more, King Joo-Nam merely waving his hand. "Dismissed."

Il was still confused by all of this. He really wanted to know more, but knowing his father, it'll be another endless riddle, one which would make his head even more confused. He had no choice but to unwillingly leave the room.

One thing that was more confusing was his father's last statement.

"Who... is he?" he mumbled to himself.


Geun-Tae walked briskly through the hallway of Chi'Shin Castle. When the wind blew, he stopped abruptly in his track and glanced at one pillar on the side in annoyance. "Why the hell are you still here?" he asked while scowling.

From that pillar, someone came out, who was none other than Yi-An. He gave Geun-Tae an eye smile. "Hey, hey, I was paid to serve you, wasn't I?"

That made Geun-Tae scowled even deeper. "Is money the only thing that you had inside that brain of yours?"

Yi-An chuckled. "Must be coming with the job," Yi-An answered while smirking.

"So? Anything you want to report?" Geun-Tae asked impatiently.

"Hm? I don't think so?" Yi-An shrugged, which made Geun-Tae growl.

"Then get lost. You give me nightmares."

It didn't scare Yi-An in the least. In fact, he found the urged to tease the young man. "Ah. The youthfulness. Seems like I'm getting old." He chuckled as he saw Geun-Tae reaching out to his sword. "Oh, well. I guess I need to go back now."

"That's what I told you, wasn't it?"

Yi-An turned around and walked away. Then he stopped after two steps and tilted his head to Geun-Tae. "Oh right. Seems like the little lady's condition is worsened. Just telling." He said before disappearing with the wind.

Geun-Tae sighed. "That man... he just does as he pleased. I should have charged him for what he had done to Yona-sama." he grumbled.

He stepped inside the living room and slumped to the floor. Taking off his overcoat, he threw it unceremoniously on the floor. There was something so great about the home after the hectic day in Hiryuu Castle. He then lay on the floor, enjoying the afternoon breeze.

As he lazing around, his mind wandered to Yona. 

'Her condition worsened... it's not strange, considering her age. Those injuries are giving her body stress.' 

He remembered the night he found her. He knew from first glance that she was in danger. Those wounds were life-threatening. No one knew for sure if she would have survived, and after three months, no sign of her waking up any time soon. Some people had begun to lose hope, though there were still some who still holding on that hope.

"Lord Geun-Tae."

Geun-Tae glanced at the caller and saw the stern face his brown-haired assistant looking straight at him. "What?" he asked, still lying on the floor.

"Your paperwork is waiting."

Geun-Tae turned around and closed his eyes. "Burn them." He said lazily. He heard his assistant let out a sigh.

"Very well. Then, I'll need to tell the King that you reject the proposal. Please excuse-"

That drew a reaction from Geun-Tae. In an instant, he got up and turned to his assistant. "Wait, what?! What proposal?!"

"It is waiting on your table." His assistant said, "along with its other friends." He smiled innocently as Geun-Tae gave him a disgusted look.

"Damn you sick bastard," Geun-Tae grumbled as he sullenly walked to his office. His assistant just laughed.

"Thank you, I love you too."


To Be Continued

Rewritten Fate (Akatsuki no Yona Fanfiction-New)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ