Assassination Arc (XVIII)

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She left that dead body behind and settled to hid herself behind a giant tree in the corner. The dark red blood made its way out of her body. It oozed between the spaces between her fingers as she covered her wound with a shaky hand. 

Her vision became blurrier and all she could see was the scarlet blood that once flowed in her veins. As she watched the blood flowed, she chuckled bitterly. 

'Each drop of blood slowly takes away the life in me, leaving me pale and weak, yet defying death,' she thought.

It became harder and harder for her to breath. She closed her eyes, thinking back about her victim before. 

'I wonder if he felt the same way. But he looked different. His clothes were blood-stained, but his blood wasn't scarlet like mine. It was too dark for red, too light for maroon. I don't know if there's a name for that color, or maybe it doesn't matter.' 

She felt like laughing, but instead of a laugh, it was a cough. A painful cough.

After regaining her breath, she sighed heavily. 

"Man... I've just come back and enjoyed a peaceful life for around 4 years, and then these shitty things happen... my delicate body was going to be painted with scars again. Wow. Just wow."

She took another big gulp of air. 

"Ah... I missed my sword~ my lovely sword~" she hummed a little, wanting to let the stress out of her system. Her body had screamed for her to stop, but she knew she had no choice in this regard.

"You are really troublesome."

The newest guest was the reason.

She turned her head a little toward her guest, noting his relaxed demeanor. She took her time into assessing this newcomer. A middle-aged man, he had a fit and tall body. The way his eyes shone and his overall movements told Yona that this one was no joke. She silently cursed. There is no way she could get away from this one, much less killing him. She was heavily injured too.

She gave him a wry smirk. "Thanks for the compliment." They both knew that it wasn't really a compliment, though.

Yona stood up. Her legs were shaking, it was actually hard to even stand up steadily. But her face was void of painful expression as if there were no injuries at all. Of course, it was alarming.

Yi-An narrowed his eyes. He had witnessed her fight before from afar. He had even thought of lending a hand in it, but it was all unnecessary attempts, as the child could not only hold her ground but also defeated her opponent. 

To be honest, it's not only amazed him but also frightened him. He couldn't get into his head that the one stood in front of him was a mere four years old child. True, her movements lacked fluidness, strength and also speed. But the way she moved was different than an amateur. It was more like an injured soldier rather than a child's desperate movement. And that was what frightened Yi-An the most.

"How can you stand with wounds like that?" he asked, carefully fingering his sword, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Yona.

Yona let out a chuckled. 'I've had worse than this before, one in which I need to endure for a whole day of battle. Oh well, it's not like he needs to know that.'

She smirked. "Wound? Ah, this? It's just a scratch, nothing big." 

She shrugged nonchalantly as she took a grip on the sword which she took from her victim, not even hiding her action.

Yi-An narrowed his eyes as he, too, unsheathed out his sword. His plan now was making the kid unconscious before left the scene. But before that, he might as well assess her skill first.

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