Interlude (I)

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Soo-Won woke to the gentle patter of rain on his roof and thunder rumbling from far away. He pushed the blankets off, immediately feeling the warmth of sleep begin to slip away. He swung his feet over the side of the bed and sat up, rubbing the crust from his eyes. He stood up, his bare feet pressing softly against the wooden floor, and walked towards the window.

The window was splattered with raindrops, as even more rain came down. The clouds swirled lightly in the sky, their pale grey color suggesting a long, mild storm.

He peered out over the window, his eyes taking in the dark colors squeezing through clouds

'It's chilly', he thought, pulling his thin haori around himself. The scent of rain hung in the air as he watched the water droplets fell like they simply couldn't think of anything better to do. There was laziness about them as if they could barely be bothered to conform to the will of gravity.

When he held his bare arm out of the window, the droplets splattered on his outstretched fingers. They were large and soft. He tilted his fingers upwards and watched the remnants of the drops ran downwards like tiny rivers. With a half-smile, he went inside.

Honestly speaking, he was dead tired. Last night was another sleepless night. He kept having strange dreams, dreams that didn't make any sense. The dreams themselves were rarely scary. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes it's sad.

It should not have been a problem if only that's all it is about. However, more often than not, the dreams started with a happy one and then gradually change to a sadder one. It left him awake in the middle of the night, unable to continue sleeping. He'll become tired in the morning and didn't have any energy to do anything. Like today.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly. He bit back the yawn that was coming. He was tired as hell. He could have easily pulled off being a walking zombie, dead on the inside but subconsciously awake.

He walked out of his room, walking slowly as he enjoying the melody of the rain. He stopped in front of a room, smiling lightly to the guard, he slowly went inside, as quiet as possible.

Yona was there, on her bed, sleeping soundly and unmoving.

He walked to her side, and quietly slipped inside her bedding. On his sleepless nights, he would come to her room, to seek comfort. He would hold her hand tightly, feeling her warmth seeping into his body. If only to assure him that she was still alive.

He closed his eyes, intent on resuming his sleep again. He just hoped that it'll be a dreamless one.


Soo-Won and Hak stayed inside together in the living room. It was still raining outside, not as heavy, but they still couldn't go out in this weather.

Soo-Won sat, tired-eyed, and slumped over the table. He finally got a few hours of sleep, but the tiredness had yet to fade. Hak raised his eyebrow at Soo-Won.

"You look like shit." He said lazily. he heard Soo-Won groaned.

"I cannot sleep."

"What's wrong?" Hak asked as he ate the served sweets. Soo-Won didn't even spare Hak a glance as he waved his hand back and forth.

"It's nothing, really."

Hak's eyebrow twitched. He had expected it, but still, he couldn't help but feel irritated. "Should I force you to spill?" he scowled.

Soo-Won gave a wry smile as Hak stared at him expectantly; the scowl on his face had yet to lift. Soo-Won knew he should tell someone about his dream and Hak was someone he could trust, but the real problem was he didn't find his dream as a problem at all, or at least an urgent one. True, his dream was confusing and it was tiring to wake up in the middle of the night, but so far he didn't feel any immediate danger from it.

He shook his head a little. "It's nothing... just some weird dream..." he said vaguely.

Again, Hak raised an eyebrow. "Dream?"

Straighten his back; Soo-Won looked at the ceiling. "I keep having a weird dream... like the three of us playing around happily and things..." he trailed, trying to remember some part of the dream.

Unbeknownst to him, Hak narrowed his eyes. He might look calm, but deep inside, he was alarmed. "Then?"

"Most of the time I wake up before I get the clear picture of it... but..." Soo-Won paused and frowned. "It's strange... we never have that kind of bond... Yona is not even close to us..."

Soo-Won stopped speaking. He smiled sadly as he thought back about those days he spent with Yona. He couldn't find a single memory where Yona took part in any conversation. She was there, but at the same moment she wasn't there, it felt like she was only some unimportant background character, easy to be forgotten but always there.

"Do you think... do you think we'll be able to have a strong bond? The three of us?" he asked.

"Of course. We can use force if needed." Hak answered in a heartbeat, there wasn't any single hesitation in his voice. It caused Soo-Won to blink in surprise before he smiled wryly.

"That's not good, Hak." He chided Hak half-heartedly, but the smile never left his face.

To be continued

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