Assassination Arc (XXIII-Last)

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Too absorb with his thought, Haku didn't realize that Mundok had taken a seat beside him, heating the already cold tea.

"You are going to catch a cold if you stay up till late at night without a proper robe in this kind of weather. It was wreaking havoc outside, better close the partition if you want the room to stay intact." Mundok said as he poured the warm tea on a cup. He then proceeded to close the partition, before taking a seat again.

Hak blinked and blinked before looking at Mundok. Mundok had poured him a cup of warm tea. He would feel bad if he refused to drink after all the trouble that Mundok had gone, so he joined Mundok in drinking tea. The warm tea indeed gave him a warm feeling in this chilly night.

Staring at the tea, his mind drifted once again to Yona.

"Will she be alright?" he muttered absently. He was at loss at what should be done. It's not that he doubted the credibility of the royal physician. It's more like he felt he was useless, not being able to do anything other than watching the world play out. Who knows when the curtain would be rise or drop?

The fact that he was a mere audience who have no authority to handle the play or even a portion of it, made him frustrated. He thought he had a pretty good grasp on the course of events, but he was wrong. None of what he had predicted come true. Maybe this was the world's way to tell him that cheating is not allowed.

Seemingly aware of his inner turmoil, Mundok patted Hak's head gently.

"If she is as strong as you said she is, then I don't think we need to worry too much." Those words calm Hak a little.

Seeing that Hak had at least calmed enough to talk, Mundok started the conversation. "You never mentioned anything like this will happen."

Hak scowled at the mention. "Of course not..." he growled. "Since this had never happened before." He clenched his hand; agony was visible on his face.

"In fact, the courses of events are all different than before. The timeline is all messed up that I could hardly prepare for it."

Mundok couldn't see his eyes since His bang overshadowed them, but he was pretty sure that those clear orbs were probably clouded in rage. It wasn't strange, considering how protective Hak is in regard to Yona.

Mundok worded his next question carefully. "What's the factor in all of this change?"

There was no reply for a moment. And Mundok didn't rush Hak to reply. He knew that Hak needs time to think. Once he found his answer, he would answer Mundok's question.

And true enough, minutes later, Hak opened his mouth slowly.

"I guess..." he began. "It's Hime-sama herself."

If he thought about it, the biggest difference that occurred all this time was Yona's presence. The Yona in this world and the Yona in his world, they were too different, like they were actually a different entity, to begin with. Yona in his world was so bright, so cheerful; she was like a sun that shines even in the darkest day. But the Yona in this world... she was like the moon, so cold, so far, and alone.

Mundok had also come to the same conclusion. He might not have the memories that Hak had, but at the very least, he was informed on what had occurred inside Hak's memories. He was aware of what they would face in the future and what kind of people stood at their side. But this recent event caused him to think. What if Hak was not the only one that had those memories?

He stared at Hak silently before letting the question out. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she had those memories like you do?"

Hak surprised look had answered Mundok's question. Hak must have never thought of the possibility of other people having past memories, or he might have forced himself to never think about it, as to not having his hope up.

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