Assassination Arc (XIV)

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-The day of festival-

Hak looked around the hall, trying to find the little bundle of red hair. "I don't see Yona-sama anywhere." He blurts out loud. Soo-Won, who was standing beside him, sighed a little.

"Yona doesn't like any kind of party, maybe she is in the garden? Want to go find her?" he asked Hak. He soon faced a frowning Hak.

"I can't. I need to do my round of greeting, that old man of mine is especially stubborn today, so I can't ditch the party." He grumbled in annoyance.

"Then I'll go on my own. I'll persuade her to come here." Soo-Won said, giving Hak a small pat on the shoulder.

Hak nodded in agreement. "Ah. If not, I'll catch you up as soon as I finish my round."

"Alright, enjoy the party, Hak!" Soo-Won said, waving to Hak before leaving the venue.

It wasn't a hard task to find Yona for she would only stay in the back garden, way farther behind the main hall or even any main building in the castle. The garden was not hidden, but people rarely went there as it was too far from the main building. That's also the reason why it was the least protected area in the castle.

Soo-Won walked slowly while looking around. He spotted a mop of red hair under a tree, silently reading a book. 'Bingo!'

"Yona! There you are!" he called loudly as he runs to her. Yona glanced at him for a while before resumed reading. "Why don't you show up at the party? Everyone is asking about you, you know, Hak too." Soo-Won said as he took a seat beside her.

Yona didn't look at him. "Don't feel like it," she mumbled as she kept reading. Suddenly she could feel her surroundings brighten. She looked back at Soo-Won and noticed that his face was brightening by two-fold. She could practically saw imaginary flowers bloomed around him.

She looked at him ridiculously. "What?"

Soo-Won just shook his head. His smile was still there, or was it even brighter than before? "No, nothing! I'm just happy that you talked back!"

Yona sweatdropped. 'You are so simple.' She shook her head slightly.

"I'm not mute." She told him with a straight face. But Soo-Won pouted. "But you never talk back to me before..."

And the depressed mood went after a second. "What's the change of heart?" he asked curiously.

Yona sighed. "My heart beats too fast."

It was the truth. Her heart hadn't calmed down, and it drove her nuts. She couldn't stay still, her gut had been screaming for a few days now. She also forgot to bring her sword with her, making her internal alarm ringing even louder than before. But she was too lazy to go back. Not to mention, going back would mean being found out by her parents that she had been ditching the party.

Of course, her reason made no sense to Soo-Won. "Huh?" he blinking for a few times in confusion, didn't understand it one bit.

And yet, Yona paid no mind in it. "Makes me more talkative than usual." She ended her so-called explanation.

Soo-Won just dropped his head as he sighed. "You are not even close to talkative..."

Suddenly, Yona felt someone staring at her, and when she turned around, she noticed a silhouette in the corner. She felt uneasy, but she pretended as if she saw nothing. She cursed silently as she left her sword in her room. She kept glancing at the silhouette from time to time discreetly, which earned a puzzled look from Soo-Won.

"Is there anything wrong, Yona?" He asked, concerned was apparent in his voice. For a moment, Yona averted her attention to him, debating whether to tell him or not.

Rewritten Fate (Akatsuki no Yona Fanfiction-New)Where stories live. Discover now