Assassination Arc (XIX)

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One second passed. Two seconds passed. Three seconds passed. There was no sound, no movement, no talking... the tension on the air was so heavy that it could be sliced with a knife. But no-one moved and no-one spoke.

Hak would have already rushed toward Yi-An if he didn't felt the sudden heaviness on his arm. He glanced down at Yona and found that her body had slumped against him. His face has grown pale, as pale as a sheet, while his heart was racing. His breath grew frantic as he checked Yona's breathe.

She was still breathing.

He let out a relieved sigh. He almost thought that he had lost her. He threw a deathly glare toward Yi-An. His anger had yet to dissipate.

But his view was blocked by none other than General Geun-Tae. Geun-Tae gave him a side glance before focusing completely on Yi-An.

"Save it for later, kid. Yona-sama is more important right now." He reminded Hak. "Bring her back. I'll clean this mess."

Hak stared long and hard on the General's back. He wanted to give this damn assassin a piece of his mind, but he also knew that Yona was in danger. Yona was always his first priority; anything else didn't matter to him.

He gave Geun-Tae a nod before carrying Yona on his back and rushed back to the main building. He trusts Geun-Tae would be able to handle this mess, and he needs to find help as fast as he can.

Now that Hak had gone, there was only Geun-Tae and Yi-An alone. Geun-Tae knew that he was on a disadvantage as he held no weapon, as opposed to the man in front of him. But where is the thrill if everything is easy for him? This will become a nice challenge once in a while.

He looked at Yi-An with a menacing stare as he smirked.

"Now, let's have a nice chat, shall we?"

The wind blew hard, and the moon was shadowed by the clouds, but he could see the cold blank stare from the assassin. It made him grin even wider.

Yeah, this is a nice challenge.


I had a dream.

In the dream, the sky was blue, the birds were singing and there was a bee on clover nearby. The streams ran clear and there were fish in the river. Next to me was a small boy and he told me how he saw the world. His answers to my questions were so precious. Once, I asked him if we should care for the world. He said "Yes" like he was surprised I should even have to ask.

But then, he was the one that crushed my world.


The main hall was in sight. With all his last energy, Soo-Won barged into the room. He was panting heavily; sweating so hard that his clothes were all wet in and out. He glanced across frantically as he searched for the king. He remembered that Hak specifically told him to ask the king, his grandfather for help.

He looked around as he walked slowly, looking for him. he was already in a panic since he knew that he had run out of time, but with all the people in the room, it was quite hard to find the king, which is really frustrating. It was through luck that he spots the king, his grandfather, who is talking with another guest on the corner.

He ran there and clenched the king's robe.

"Grandfather!" he called a little loudly, earning a glance from the other guests, but Soo-Won paid no mind on them. He only focused on the King, wanting to tell him everything that had happened.

King Joo-Nam looked at him and narrowed his eyes. He put his big hand on Soo-Won's head as he looked at him gently.

"What's wrong, young one?" he asked softly.

Soo-Won took a big gulp before breaking the news.

"Yona... Yona is in danger! Please, please help her!" he begged, desperately.

The other guest looked at each other confusedly. "What kind of danger..."

King Joo-Nam only needed one look at Soo-Won's eyes to know the dire of this situation. "Mundok." He called. He gave the said person a side glance, which was returned with a bow.

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Mundok turned to Soo-Won. "Where is she, Soo-Won-sama?" He asked.

"She told me that she would be around the north garden. Hak and General Geun-Tae had headed there, but..." Soo-Won trailed.

King Joo-Nam nodded. He addressed Mundok once again. "Bring physician with you, Mundok, just in case." He said. Mundok gave him a nod of complying before heading out from the room.

Soo-Won looked at Mundok's back nervously. After all those running which was done through the adrenaline rush, he could feel his legs shaking, those sudden work finally caught up to him. His breath had yet to calm down, but the tension on his body had started to loose, leaving him exhaust.

His body system was going to shut down, but his consciousness was forcing him to stay awake. He could feel the warm pat on his head, stroking his head slowly. "Everything will be alright, don't worry."

He looked at his grandfather. There was no trace of lie on his eyes, but still, he couldn't stay calm if he hadn't confirmed Yona's safety. He nodded slowly, praying to the entire god up there for Yona's safety.

He was snapped out from his musing when he heard The King addressed him.

"Now, Soo-Won. Tell this old man about this big tale of yours."

And with that, King Joo-Nam led him to another room to talk.


Then the scenery changed.

I was sitting in a field of green wheat, the stalks bent lazily in the wind and I marveled at the grains. Each one was distinct and though different from the others, still perfectly formed. I ran my hand along the edge to feel the combination of rough and smooth and then held my face upward to feel the warm light of the sunshine. The air smelled just right and the birds flew in an almost cloudless sky. I started walking, hoping that this was reality.

But in truth, it was a mere dream.


To be continued

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