Assassination Arc (XI)

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"It'll be spring in a few months~," Soo-Won said happily as he looked out from the window. Beside him sat a gloomy Hak, eating an apple while listening to Soo-Won. He looked at Soo-Won with a disbelief look.

"What's there to be happy about? It's still a long way to go." He grumbled. He took another bite to his apple; the chilling air was making him shivered a little bit. He took a glimpse at his best friend and he saw that that sunny smile is still hanging there.

"Seems like someone is extremely happy today." He remarked though he was sure that his best friend always wore that smile everywhere.

The said best friend gave him an even brighter smile, his eyes were especially shining. "I'm going to stay with Yona for a few weeks!" he happily announced. And he looked at Hak expectantly. "Let's stay over together, Hak!" he said.

Hak poker-faced stared at him. Gloominess suddenly came back full force. "I don't think I'll be welcomed there."

Soo-Won just sweatdropped. "Did you get in a fight with Yona, Hak?" he asked. He knew that there was something happened with the two of them, but he had no idea what. Both Yona and Hak were suddenly really distant with each other and really awkward too. He wouldn't deny the fact that Yona was the one who started distancing herself though.

Hak gaped as he heard Soo-Won. "Hah? From where does this thought come from?" he asked confusedly. Soo-Won just shrugged.

"Well, Yona seems to be super-duper awkward with you. Do you see the atmosphere when both of you present?! It suddenly becomes so cloudy! I almost thought it'll storm!" he explained. Hak rolled his eyes as he listened to him.

"You are exaggerating. Anyway, it's not my fault. Didn't you see where the awkwardness is coming from? She is the one with the problem here." he grumbled.

Soo-Won tilted his head a little, confusion painted on his eyes. "So you also don't know why she was like that?" he asked. Hak gave him a deadpanned look and took another bite on his apple.

"Didn't you hear me?" he asked while munching his apple.

Soo-Won chuckled as he watched his best friend antics. He turned to look out the window and saw Yona in the garden, doing some kind of exercise. He remembered seeing the cut on Yona's cheek and how deadly Yona's expression was.

He glanced at Hak from the corner of his eyes, debating whether to tell him or not. At last, he came to the conclusion that it would be better for Hak to know as well. Hak might know what they could do to help her.

"I think... something happened to her, you know." He began. Hak looked at him in confusion, seemingly urging him to continue. "I visited her the other day, and I saw her with a cut on her cheek. It was bleeding too." He told him.

As expected, Hak looked surprised by his news. But unexpectedly, he didn't look worried at all. All that Soo-Won saw was the harden look in Hak eyes, which was even deadlier than any stare he had ever received.

"And?" he was cut out from his musing when Hak directed a question; his eyes told him to elaborate more about this news.

"Uh... She didn't tell me anything though. I checked the area, and I found something like ice there." Soo-Won said. His eyes never left Hak's harden eyes as he speaking.

"Ice?" Hak rests his chin on his hand, a little action that Soo-Won came to label as Hak's thinking pose.

"Hn. A big piece of it too. It can hurt someone pretty badly, I think." Soo-Won described while racking his brain on what else he had found. 'That's all, I think.' He blinked before focusing on Hak again.

Hak nodded as acknowledgment. "But she was okay, right?" he asked. Soo-Won gave him a quick nod. "Except that small cut, nothing else. But her face was really pale. It must be pretty frightening."

He saw Hak sighed before looking out the window. Hak seemed had noticed Yona down there, he gazes at her with an expression that Soo-Won couldn't grasp. Is it longingness? Sadness? Determination? He didn't know. It looked like all those emotions mixed together that Soo-Won could hardly recognize it.

Suddenly, Hak faced him. "Let's go." He said while walking away, surprising Soo-Won.

"Go? Go where, Hak?" Soo-Won asked as he trailed behind Hak.

"Where else? To our small princess of course." Hak answered which such an obvious tone. Soo-Won couldn't believe his ears. "Small?"

"She is small." And once again, the answered was given with an obvious tone. Soo-won could only smile weakly.

"Yona won't be happy to hear it," he said, imagining Yona's face if she ever hears it. He cringed a little at the thought of it.

But it seemed like had no effect whatsoever on Hak. He scoffed as he listened to Soo-Won. "Had she ever be happy about anything, like at all?" he asked sarcastically.

Soo-Won didn't know whether this is a good sign or not. 'Is Hak fed up with Yona's attitude?'

"Well... we are kind of... intruding her life?" he tried to reason, though he knew it was not helping at all.

"Not at all. We've been really considerate to her, remember? Even when she ignored us all the way..." Hak glanced at Soo-Won meaningfully as Hak replied. Soo-Won could hear the frustration in it, as well as hopelessness and helplessness. Suddenly, the child in front of him didn't look like a child anymore.

Soo-Won turned his gaze to the floor. He didn't want doubt to linger inside him any more than it already did, not to mention it was his best friend nonetheless. He tried to change his focus to Yona instead.

"Actually, she doesn't need to speak to be heard. You know, there are those who communicate in silence." He said, bearing Yona in mind. 

"I think she and I have a lot in common." He continued softly. Yes, he could relate her to him in that department. Sometimes, he could actually saw himself in Yona, although Yona might be more apparent in it.

He didn't realize that Hak threw him some glances. There was no reply for a few moments before Hak opened his mouth.

"But I'm not a mind reader. Unless she personally tells me, I can't hear her. So if she doesn't want to tell me, then I have no choice but to force it out." The determination was clear in his voice. 

"If I keep waiting, I might need to wait forever. By then, I'll be too old to even do anything." Hak continued, though with a much-lighthearted tone.

Soo-Won chuckled a little. "You have some kind of logic there, Hak." He said while shaking his head. Honestly, his best friend was one of the most surprising people out there, but it was kind of refreshing.

However, he didn't prepare himself for the next thing that Hak said, like at all. "That's why, you better start using your words too or I can't hear you." he halted as he looked at Hak, blinking rapidly on the sudden remark. 

"Me?" he tilted his head a little, not sure where this comes from.

Seeing that Soo-Won stopped walking, Hak also mirrored him. He stared at Soo-Won with his poker face and rolled his eye. "Who else am I talking to here?" he made it sounds so obvious, not bother to hide the sarcastic tone.

Soo-Won frowns in confusion. "Why me? We are talking about Yona, right?"

Hak shrugged before starting to walk again. "Nah, you did say that you and she have a lot in common. Not that it was strange, seeing that you both are cousins."

Soo-won pouted. "It doesn't mean that we both are the same." He argued. While it is true that he rarely said what he was feeling inside, there was plenty of time where he told others. It's just he made sure to tell only those who could actually help him rather than telling just anyone.

Hak shrugged again. He spared Soo-Won a glance, and Soo-Won couldn't miss the mischief twinkling in those blue eyes. "I wonder about that." He said playfully while smirking. Then he runs ahead, leaving Soo-Won, who was gaping, behind.

Soo-Won shook his head and laughed. Oh, how he loved that best friend of his.

To be Continued

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