Assassination Arc (XX)

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'Please hang on there, Hime-sama...'

Hak gritted his teeth as he ran. His arm had gone numb, the heaviness on his back didn't help much either. He could feel his soaking robe against his flesh, the smell of the blood numbing his sense. Each second passed equally to each drop of blood that Yona had lost. He was racing against time, his princess life is on the line. He couldn't stop unless he wanted to watch her die. No, he must not stop, not until he found help.

He ran and kept running. Another second passed, another blood dropped. Yet, the main building is still far away.

He cursed inwardly, a moment like this made him realize how weak and vulnerable he was. How he wished that he had the strength and the speed he had before.


A shout was heard. He stopped and looked up. He saw Mundok coming toward him with several other people tailing him.

"General Mundok..."

A great sense of relief washed over him. Mundok stopped right in front of him, narrowed his eyes as he glanced at the peaking red hair behind Hak.

"How is she?"

Hak shook his head a little. "Not good..." he said, his voice cracked.

The other people, which Hak noted as physicians, arrived at last. They were both shocked at the sight of Yona behind Hak's back. "Yona-sama!"

One of the physicians motioned toward Hak. 

"Please put her down here. We need to take a look at her injuries." He said. Hak complied quickly. Both the physician has gone to work as soon as Hak put Yona down.

He stepped backward, giving the physicians space to do their job, but his eyes never leave Yona.

"You alright?"

He glanced at the side and found Mundok looked at him with concern. He shook his head. 

"It's not mine... the blood, I mean." He replied. Mundok nodded in acknowledgment, and then proceed on watching the physician work.

A moment later, Hak spoke. 

"There is a dead body not far from here. I guess it is one of the assassins. Geun-Tae is handling the other one." He reported. But their conversation was stopped when they saw the physicians had finished bandaging Yona.

"How is she?" Mundok asked.

One of the physicians looked at Mundok. 

"We have given her first aid. She needs treatment as soon as possible." He explained. "Let's take her back to her chamber. We could treat her better there."

The physician carried Yona on his arm and rushed back to her chamber with Hak tailing behind him.

Another step was heard. When Hak looked at the side, he noticed that Mundok was also coming with him. He blinked a few times, as he thought he was hallucinating.

"You are coming?" he asked.

"Of course. I was ordered by the King to aid Yona-sama."

Hak could felt a load of heaviness disappeared immediately. His lips curved up a little.

"Thanks, gramps." He whispered, letting the wind blew the sound away. But it was still loud enough for Mundok.

"No need to thank me."


The next time I open my eyes, I'm staring into the horizon.

Rewritten Fate (Akatsuki no Yona Fanfiction-New)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant