Assassination Arc (XV)

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The shadow creeps closer and closer before it abruptly stopped. 

"Oi, Brat. What the heck are you doing there? If you have time to lazy around, go find those kids before they went too far." 

There came a harsh cold bark, followed by a growl before the intruder went out completely.

Both Yona and Soo-Won stayed still for a few moments, before they relaxed, relief washed over their mind. 

"That was close..." Yona mumbled as she let out her breath. She doesn't even realize that she had held her breath this whole time.


She blinked as she looked at Soo-Won. She realized that she was still clamping Soo-Won's mouth. 

"Ah. Sorry." She said in a small voice as she retracted her hand, letting Soo-Won took a deep breath.

"I thought I was going to die..." he said as he let out a sigh. He looked back at Yona and noticed that she had gone out from their hiding place.

"Have they gone for good?" he asked in a whisper, as he too followed Yona out from the small place. Yona didn't even spare him a glance. She just shrugged.

"Who knows? At least, we haven't died yet." She said. She sat down, leaning on one bookshelf; frowns were visible on her face.

'Plan. We need a plan.'


Yi-An eyed the weapon with bleak red eyes, the eyes of a hunter framed in the passionless face of an executioner. His blunt hands were steady as they lifted the knives and inspected them. Carefully he laid the knives down on the floor and looked out through the hole in the brickwork to the garden below.

To the assassin, it was just like another day in the office. Except his office was a windy roof-top overlooking his target's location. His tools, rather than those papers and brushes, was state-of-the-art knives and swords. He took no satisfaction in the killing, but he took enormous pride in getting a good clean kill. He had a reputation to maintain and that reputation guaranteed his exorbitant fee.

He maintained a cool detachment to his targets. Mostly he preferred not to think of them, but when he did, it was as if they were already dead - walking meat bags waiting to be dispatched to the butcher. He thought of them as meeting their destiny and he was merely the conduit. Everyone has to die sometime, and he considered it a good way to go. No illness, no drawn-out goodbyes. They were just happy and oblivious one second and gone the next. Simple. Convenient. Painless.

He let out a sad sigh. In truth, He preferred not to assassinate people, he preferred to be a diplomat but of course, times called for it.

Being an assassin had its perks. A new village every week, luxury life with no dishes or chores, new clothes every day. The assassin was as agile as a monkey, although he preferred to think of himself as a ninja. 

When he had embarked on his profession, he hadn't been certain it was the right choice for him. He had thought an assassin had to be cruel and cold-hearted, which wasn't him at all. He was just efficient, like a secretary. It's just that instead of dispatching letters and reports, he dispatched people to whatever came after this life.

Life has been good. Well, at least it was until he landed himself in this damn job and this damn partner, a green-horn assassin who knew nothing about assassination at all.

It was supposed to be an easy kill, the target was supposed to be a freaking four years old child. He was supposed to be at a teahouse now, drinking tea and eating dango. But no, that useless partner of his just felt the need to announce their job by shooting the target, alarming the target of their objective completely. What suck even more was the fact that the target got out alive, a fatal mistake for an assassin.

He bit down the annoying growl. He already knew that it is not an easy job as soon as he spotted his target. The subtle cold glance from the kid gave him chills. Not to mention, the glance was directed precisely toward him. That was not a glance that could be made by a kid, much less from a freaking four years old kid. No, it was the eyes of a damn war veteran, one that sharper enough to kill someone on spot.

His decades of experiences had taught him how to assess his target on spot. This time, He came into this crazy conclusion. His target was a dangerous one, not a damn normal four-year-old kid. And that moment, he already knew that he was screwed, for good.

His damn partner was not helping either. What with the brat being cocky and arrogant, he could only surrender himself to the course of fate.

True enough, this annoying brat just had the nerve to abort the plan and to do as he pleased. And now, he was stuck on chasing the target and the target's cousin, who was not the target. Outside, he looked calm, but inside, he cursed loudly. It was supposed to be a one day job, but then it turned out to be weeks and even then, their objective had yet been achieved.

He knew that the kids were inside that study room, he could just barge in and killed them inside, ending this cat and mouse game. But still, they are kids, even if one of them was considered dangerous.

Don't take him wrong. He might be an assassin, but he also had his own policy. It was against his policy to kill kids, thus the reason for his delay in completing his objective. He had thought of using mild poison to the target, a fast reaction one but not too deadly. Then he would go take his money and be gone from there.

But life was not easy. And his whole plan was screwed by that brat. Now, he needed another plan to avoid killing the kids but at the same time getting paid. And if he was lucky enough, disposing of that arrogant brat too, after all, the same brat was the source of his headache these few weeks.

To be continued

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