Assassination Arc (X)

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She was really mortified by the little accident that she went as far as to avoid any contact with Hak. Whenever she heard his voice, she would run and hide somewhere. 

It was more of a reflex than intentionally. And if she couldn't hide, she would avoid any eye contact with him and stay as far as she could from him. The tension was so thick, and the awkwardness was visible in her every gesture.

Hak and Soo-Won obviously picked this up. She could practically saw the questioning look that Soo-Won throws to her and Hak, and yet he didn't ask any further. Soo-Won might be the only bridge that connected her and Hak at this moment. But even that didn't lessen the tension between Yona and Hak, or more like the tension Yona caused.

She mentally used the excuse of wanting to practice using the sword, which was given by King Joo-Nam, to avoid meeting with Hak. Though, she knew that it was merely an excuse to hide. She knew she was a coward, not to mention, it was only a little accident. However, her ego spoke differently. It might be a little longer till she could come terms with her heart.

Avoiding Hak was one thing, avoiding a stalker was another thing. 

It had come to her attention that someone was watching her and following her every movement. 

'Someone is following me...' 

she didn't know who was it, but she knew for sure that she was being followed. Her instinct said so, and she wasn't about to ignore it. The only thing that she can do was to act as if she knew nothing. 

'Pretend that you don't know, Yona. Pretend!' she silently reminding herself.


Days had passed, and yet her stalker was still following her. 

It made her be conscious in her every little act. She dare not do anything that could cause alarm, and she made sure to stay silent all the time. Because she didn't what this stalker wanted from her. Was it information or was it her daily schedule? Or was it the people around her? Whatever it was, she had a feeling that this person was a really dangerous one.

'This person is really stubborn.' 

She grumbled mentally as she walked. Her ears didn't pick on any sound from the said stalker, which spoke a volume about that person skill. 

'And a good one too.' She cursed mentally. This was not a good sign, as a skilled stalker had a high possibility to be an assassin.

'If only I've grown... it'll be easy to deal with this mess.' She let out a heavy sigh. 'I should speed up my training. At the very least, I need to be able to protect myself.'


She was lying in the garden, watching the clouds. She was thinking about how to handle her current predicament, yet she couldn't think up a way out. Why? Because she couldn't do anything drastic. Since she was being watched, her movement was limited. Not to mention, she didn't even know who stalked her, which was really frustrating.


The sound was so sudden. She jolted from her position and she turned back to find the source before suddenly her internal alarm shouted for her to dodge something. And indeed, there was something being thrown at her, something sharp enough to cut her cheek. She looked at the thing from the corner of her eyes; it was glinting under the sunshine. 'Damn it. This is bad...' she cursed internally.

At first glance she would have sworn it was chunks of clear glass, given the temperature, it was the most likely guess. But when she bent to pick up a piece she almost screamed. It was cold, ice-cold, and wet to the touch. Her heart was beating wildly. 

What the hell was ice doing way out here? And why so large and irregular? Each piece had at least the volume of an over-sized mug. She could only imagine them being used as weapons of some sort, maybe shot from afar, and so she spun around on her heels casting wild eyes to the horizon. Empty. She readied her baton, just in case. This was a surprise and she didn't like them, not even on birthdays.

'After all of this time, the stalker indeed is an assassin? Isn't this too predictable?' she let out a wry laugh. 

'Things really can get worst in the strangest time.' she narrowed her eyes as she looked around. 'But why...?' silently, she began wreaking her brain for an answer.

She didn't remember ever received a threat in her previous life. She used to have a quiet peaceful life in the castle, of course minus the annoying little things that happened like the courting from that stupid Kan Tae-Jun.

She widened her eyes as she realized something. 

'Don't tell me... don't tell me things had changed...' unconsciously, her body shook a little. Her face went pale and she had a hard time breathing. 

'But I haven't done anything yet!' she silently screamed. She gasped a little. 


As she struggling to calm herself down, she heard someone called her. 

"Yona!" it was Soo-Won. He ran to her while smiling at her. 

When he had come near her, he let out a gasp. "Yona! What happened to your face?! Why is it bleeding?" he asked, the panic was apparent in his voice.

Yona only stares at him before touching her face. Indeed, there was blood, which was flowing unnoticed by her. Now that she is conscious about the cut, she realized that it throbbed a little. She turned her face away from Soo-Won. 

"It's nothing." She mumbled. She wiped the blood with her sleeve and walked away. Her brain had already started to form a plan in handling this not so good situation. Little did she know that Soo-Won was watching her retreated back with a worried look.

'Something is wrong...' he thought. But the lack of knowledge made him unable to do anything. He looked around the area and found the pieces of ice. Dread and concern suddenly rushed into his heart. 

'Yona... what exactly happened?'

To Be Continued

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