Redo (3)

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Two weeks later, Yona had finally overcome her breakdown stage. However, every time people asked her, she would shut her lips tightly. No one knew why, and people were curious, not exception Soo-Won. He might only know Yona for only a few months but he knew that Yona never shared her secret. Forcing her to spill it would only anger her more.

He wanted to know so that he could help her but he also respected her privacy. As he learned more about Yona, he felt like Yona was similar to him in more than one way. So, he would help her from other little things as much as he could. For example, trying to ease the tension between Yona and a certain kid.

She didn't know how Soo-Won and Hak could meet or how they could become friends. She only knew that somehow Soo-Won managed to drag Hak to accompany her. Again, She didn't have a reason to shoo Hak out, so she reluctantly let him in. She did what she always did, reading books while ignoring Hak and Soo-Won. At least, now Soo-Won had someone to talk to, instead of talking by himself till he fell asleep.

Both of them would never fail to show up in her private space, whether it was at her favorite tree or at the inner garden or even the library. Whenever they came to the castle, it seemed that it has become their habit to track her down. They would accompany her for the day until the sun sets or even as long as they stay there.

Sometimes they would chat; sometimes they would also join her to watch the cloud. They didn't know why she did it, but they never voiced that question, until one day, Soo-Won asked her himself. "Why do you like to watch the cloud?"

It was a simple question, one that he never expected any answer since Yona never did it anyway. It's just he was really curious as to why. Actually, there were so many why about Yona. Like why she liked to act like a boy, or why she always so quiet and cold, why and why and why... there were never-ending whys.

That's why he was surprised when he heard Yona's small voice. "Because when you can watch the clouds, it means at the very least, your life is bearable." That's Yona's first answer from all the time Soo-Won had been with her. The answer itself was puzzling, for that was a half-truth half-lie in Yona's part, but Soo-Won didn't really care.

What he cared the most was that finally, Yona was opening herself up to him, and knowing that, gave him the most happiness in his whole life. Even if it was only a sentence, at least he felt like Yona was starting to have some trust in him. And that made him so happy.

He had always admired Yona. Yona might not know it, but there were times when he found Yona helping the servants or did the gardening herself. Seeing her humble attitudes made him really admired her. Even without any spoken word, she could show how much she cared about other people.

Servants could even share their hardship or worries, complains, or anything to her without being scared that she might tell her parents since she never did so. She might not offer a solution, but she always found ways to cheer them up, such as patting their head, giving them flowers, or drawing pictures... true, it was only a small gesture, but even that small gesture was enough to warm people's heart.

Soo-Won really admired that. He tried to be like Yona, and he wanted to learn more about Yona. It had been only a few months since they met, but he already set Yona as his role model. He knew that Yona was much younger than him, but sometimes, Yona's gaze felt older than how she appears to be. His gut was telling him to earn her trust; that he should never make an enemy out of her. That was why he kept trying, every single day, to earn the trust of his self-proclaimed sister.

And so, the peaceful day passed with the three of them together, until the day she finally hit four years old.

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