Throne Arc (2)

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She was drowning into this endless ocean No one saved her, no one reaches her hand. And she had given up on being saved. Because even if she screamed, no one would hear her. She let herself keep falling deeper and deeper. She closed her eyes and prepared herself to embrace the darkness, but something inside her gut keeps yelling at her.

"Don't give up! Don't give up!" it said.

She didn't know where it comes from, but it was so clear in her ears. She strained her ears to hear more, wanting to open her eyes to see once again. But then, a blinding white flashed, and she couldn't help but closed her eyes once again.

The next moment she opened her eyes, she was greeted with the sight of a white ceiling.


Yona's dream ended abruptly, as she was shaken back into reality. Her eyes opened, her eyelashes faintly batting against her lids when she blinked. Slowly and reluctantly, she looked around. The room wasn't familiar. She blinked, closed her eyes, and blinked again. Streaks of sunlight penetrated the window and blinded her.

She realized that she awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding herself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, her eyes were still shut as she soaked in the warmth of her covers before letting her eyes see the sun's rays.

As she roused from a heavy slumber she was first aware of the coolness of the air and its loamy fragrance. The lazy wind pushed against the unmown grass like a child sending dandelion seeds on their way: one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock. It was really soothing.

What time was it? How long had I been asleep? Where am I? All of these questions shot through her mind as she laid there. She was debating whether or not she should get up. Her muscles felt weak, just like her energy.

But remembering that she had a lot of things to do, she decided on getting up. She let out an exasperated sigh, groaning as she slowly rolled off of the bedding that she had been occupying, but not even a second later, a sharp pain suddenly erupted from her body.

She couldn't help but let a loud hissed out from her mouth, before falling back to her bed. Her whole body was sore! All her muscles felt like jelly. She stared at the ceiling grimly.

'Just how long have I been sleeping?!'

Yona keeps laying on the bed as she sorts out her mind. She had long thrown out the idea of jumping out from bed with her sore body. She could guess that she had been in a coma for quite a long time. If not, her body wouldn't be like this. Even moving her hands is painful. She didn't want to think how painful it'll be when she walked.

'If I can still walk, that's it.' She chuckled bitterly.

She really doubted that she'd have an easy time walking around again. Most probably, she would need to re-learn how to walk and train her muscles. Her muscles seem had turned weak from the lack of use, just like a baby. Again.

She tried checking on her injuries but found out that they had healed up nicely. Although she didn't have the strength to get up and look at the mirror, at the very least, her skin was smooth enough, which means that she had been sleeping for a really long time.

She looked around again. She had no idea where she is. It didn't resemble her room at all. She was lying on a king-size bed, which have curtains on its own. There are many windows, so the room is brightly lit. Cabinets and vases here and there, a small table near the bed, there are chairs here and there as well. And there are a lot of flowers. A lot.

Her eyebrow arched. "Why are there so many vases?" she muttered.

Her old room has no flowers at all, she had never thought of putting a vase of flowers there. A fresh flower wilts in days and she found it a waste of time to keep changing those flowers. Why bother caring that useless stuff? Besides, she rarely stayed in her room anyway. She tended to stay outside, enjoying the mother of nature. It's a habit from her previous life.

So now, the sight of countless flowers here and there confused her. Although she didn't hate them –since the room, she found it a little bit strange. She had grown used to her old gloomy room.

When she said "gloomy", she really meant that.

Her old room was so bare that it didn't resemble a bedroom. Anyone that had seen her room would never think that the occupant was a princess. Why? Because there was no king-size bed, instead, there was a whole wall of bookshelf. A regular closet at the corner of the room, one multi-function table near the window and a small chair for her to sit. Her bed? Just using the regular futon, easier to store. A simple room to a tee, that's it.

She had been too used to sleep in a tent or even leaning on the tree that she feels awkward to sleep in an exclusive room. The number of times that she entered a city, she chose the cheapest inn since she was short of money. And that has been done for decades that now she became restless when staying in this kind of luxurious room.

This, again, didn't sit well with her parents. But they doted on her too much that she had always won all the arguments.

Her parents weren't good at raising a child at all.

But it's not like she will complain though. Even though they spoiled her rotten, at least in this lifetime, she still has both parents alive.

Her musing was stopped by sounds of footsteps. She turned her head toward the sound and not long after, her eyes clashed with those blue eyes, the eyes that she love so much.

She silently stared at him, noticing the waves of emotions from those beautiful eyes. Shock, doubt, happy, fear...

'What do you fear of, Hak?'

"Yona-sama...?" a low voice was heard, so soft that Yona almost missed it.


Nothing was said, only an equal soft reply was given. Yona could see how those eyes widened, and how that mouth gaped. She found it amusing.

'Never thought there will be a time when I can see Hak gaping.' The corner of her lips twitch in amusement, and her eyes become tender. She didn't know her expression surprised Hak, even more, surprising than her awakening.


That expression resembled his dream so much. It made him afraid.


Is this a dream? That Yona has awakened now?


Or is this reality?


He gulped. "I... I'll go find a doctor!" he said quickly before running out of the room.

Yona let out a small laugh. This is a new sensation, seeing Hak flustered like that is a whole new sensation.

Somehow, she felt so free, so much freer than the past four or five years she had been alive. No, even freer than her whole two lives combine.

She closed her eyes and let a smile blossomed on her face.

"It's good to be back."


Outside the room, Hak tried to steady his heartbeat. Even though it's just a few steps from the room, it feels like he has been running for a mile. He pinched his thigh. Hard.

"Ouch!" he hissed. His hand stiffened.

He isn't dreaming at all.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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