Assassination Arc (VI)

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It was such a strange encounter, but because of it, she managed to earn a free pass to the library. She might need to thank the old man for that though.

That weird encounter was the beginning of their equally weird grandfather-granddaughter relationship. It was a strange relationship since it didn't feel like the King put a status barrier with her. It felt as if they are on the same footing for he always treated her more like a friend rather than his granddaughter.

Not to mention, he was also different than how he appeared to be. Sometimes, it made Yona annoyed since he liked to play with words so much.

But overall, they had quite a strong bond with each other. Maybe because they had spent a lot of time together, drinking tea and playing ougi, or maybe it's because both of them had gone through hardship, living in wartime, that unconsciously they could understand each other even if they barely knew each other.

Yona let out a sigh.

"Nope, I don't understand him. Not at all." She pouted a little, thinking back at all the times the old man teasing her or even playing around with her.

While she lost on her mind, she walked through the hallway. As she turned at the corner, she bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry..." she said. She looked up to the person and froze a little. There stood the person that had been occupying her mind, King Joo-Nam.

'Oh, speak of the devil...' she sweatdropped.

"Oh, hey, Gramps..." she stuttered a little. this wasn't the first time both of them met, they had met so many times in the last two years in which she couldn't count with fingers anymore, but still... the feeling of timidness was still there. Maybe because his gaze was so sharp that it could kill someone on spot or because of his strong aura which made him fearful.

Regardless of his old age, he was fairly healthy. His old age didn't seem to make him any less scary, especially at times like this.

"What's with that greeting, you brat?!" his voice was like a rumble of thunder to her ears, even the ground shook a little when he yelled like that.

"Ahaha..." she could only give a wry laugh.

'It's not my fault to be surprised when you suddenly come out like that, you damn geezer!' she fumed silently.

After that, he just turned back and walked away, leaving Yona speechless. He stopped when he realized Yona didn't move an inch. He gave her a side glance.

"Should I keep repeating the same sentence every time we meet? Come have tea with this old man, boy." He said while walking away.

Yona just let out a sigh. "There goes my plan to visit the library..." she sighed sullenly before tailing King Joo-Nam into his chamber.

'Why do I feel déjà vu all of a sudden...' she let out a wry smile.

This is basically how they exchanged greetings whenever they bumped into each other and how their meeting always occurred. They never purposely went to seek each other out and yet, they seemed to always cross path at least thrice a week. It might be because Yona liked to spy on the council meetings or because the King liked to take a walk in the garden.

Whatever the reason was, they would bump, greeted each other, then had a little chat while drinking tea and playing ougi. This, after all, was how their bond was created and maintained.


Somewhere far in the corner, Hak was watching all those greeting exchanges. He couldn't hear them well since his position was too far to eavesdropped them, but he could see that both of them were quite close, which was really surprising. He was curious as to how both of them could be that comfortable with each other.

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