Right Here In My Arms

604 15 2


October 21, 2011

"Ville it's 8:30 in the morning she's probably asleep, I highly doubt she went straight to bed when you hung up." Linde said in a hushed tone as the elevator door opened to Aava's floor.

"I don't care." He said as he reached her door and started knocking.

"Such a gentlemen, our Ville." Mige said with a yawn as he leaned up against the wall next to the door. "Taking a few lessons from your night stalker, I see."

They could hear shuffling in the room then it went quiet. Ville let out a sigh and knocked a little louder.

"See? She's sleeping. We can try again in a few hours. Come on let's go get coffee." Linde said as he pulled at his friend's arm.

Ville stood firm in his place and reached into his pocket pulling out his phone and dialed her number. A second later they could hear Type O Negative's Black no. 1 start playing. The three of them to chuckle lightly at her choice of ring tone.

"Hei?" Aava grumbled.

"Open the door." Ville said into the phone.

"Mitä?" She asked apparently having trouble grasping the english language in her tired state. (What?)

She sounded like she was still half asleep.

"Avaa ovi." He repeated and knocked on the dooor again. (open the door)

"Miksi?" she asked groggily. (Why?)

Ville tossed his head back and let out a frustrated huff as he kicked the bottom of the door. He was too damn tired to deal with twenty one questions, he just wanted her to open the damn door.

"Give me that."

Linde grabbed the phone out of Ville's hand and put it to his ear but it was quicky pulled away.

"No, you are even more impatient than he is. I will handle it."

Linde leaned against the hall door and yawned as Mige put the phone up to his ear.

"Meillä on ollut hyvin pitkä lento ja Ville kieltää meidät kahviamme, kunnes olemme hakeneet sinut. Joten jos teet niin kuin kerran kerroit ja avaat pirun oven ennen kuin Ville rikkoo sen, se olisi erittäin arvostettu." Mige said very calmy. (We have had a very long flight and Ville is denying us our coffee until we have retrieved you. So if you would please do as you are told for once and open the damn door before Ville breaks it down, it would be highly appreciated.)

The line went dead and they heard her light footsteps as she approached her hotel room door. Mige passed the cell phone back to Ville and he stuck it back in his coat pocket. The door knob turned and opened just enough to see Aava's eye peering through the crack. She let out a gasp and the door swung open and she was immediately in Ville's arms. He hugged her tight to his chest lifting her 5'3" frame off of the floor and kissed the top of her head.

"Oh kultaseni it's ok. We are here." He said into her hair as her body shook with tears.

"Ville, lets get her out of the hall. She's not exactly clothed for others to see." Linde said as he looked down the hall to make sure no one else was in the hall.

Ville looked down at the small woman who was currently seaking shelter in his arms and let out a chuckle.

Aava darling you don't have any pants on." Ville said as he moved her back into her room.

Linde and Mige filed in behind him and closed the door.

"Oh. I came to the hotel with nothing but the clothes I was wearing. I didn't want to go back to the flat."

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