Beyond Redemption

523 12 1


October 23, 2011

Aava woke up and turned to see Ville's side of the bed empty. She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked over at the clock, the red numbers flashed back at her angrily.

"10:17am, wow."

Her eyebrows raised in surprise upon seeing how late she had slept, she had never been one to sleep in. She pulled the covers off of her and made her way out of the room and came to a stop, nearly passing the closed door to his studio on her way down stairs. She could hear the light strum of his guitar as he played an unfamiliar melody. It was beautiful yet haunting all at the same time, and one only had to listen to hear the love and pain he put into every note. She felt as her chest started to swell with emotions and she tried desperately to put them away but with every strum, she felt herself being pulled in deeper.

She opened the door quietly and leaned against the door frame spotting him sitting indian style on the floor with his back to the door. A small smile spred across her lips when she realzied he was in nothing but a pair of boxers, he must have gotten the erge to write and come into the studio as soon as he woke up. He had his guitar in his lap and a notebook and pen in front of him. She watched as he stopped strumming and reached for the pen, writing something down then moving his hand back to the strings of his guitar. He hummed a few notes then began strumming his guitar, the same melody flowing through. His deep and melodic voice flowed in effortlessly in a way only he could muster.

"the gohst residing here

a boy who can't let go

won't take no for an answer

crying his song,

I should've known all along

that love without tears

is just a story told to keep us hanging on

in the cold all alone bathing in fear I sing

love without tears

love without tears

go on and prove me wrong"

He stopped again leaned forward scribbling something out and writing down something else. Aava shifted her weight causing the floor to creek under her feet ever so slightly. She grimaced knowing he heard it and that she had just disturbed his process. Ville turned at the waist spotting her in the door way.

"Didn't hear you open the door, how long have you been there?" He asked.

"Just a minute or so, sorry I didn't mean to disturb you. Have you been up long?"

He looked up at the window, when had the sun come up?

"What time is it?" He asked in confusion.

"Almost 10:30." She answered.

Ville frowned not realizing just how much he had lost track of time. He had hoped to just get the melody out of his head so he could go back to bed and get a little more time with Aava before he had to get up and face the world but once he had the melody, the lyrics had started to flow too.

"I lost track of time." He said as he rubbed his neck.

He stood up and placed his guitar on its stand then bent down to pick up the notebook.

"You want breakfast?" Aava said as she watched him put the notebook in one of the drawers of his desk.

"Unless you want frozen pizza for breakfast we are going to have to get dressed. That's just about the only thing I've got in there right now." He said as he made his way to the doorway.

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