Salt In Our Wounds

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"So it's my turn, huh?" Linde said with a laugh as Aava snapped a picture of him as he restrung a broken string on his guitar.

"Yup." She said as she snapped another picture. "I always get such good candids when I photograph you guys."

Linde gave her a small smile as she adjudted her focus.

"How are you doing?" He asked changing the subject.

Aava lowered her camera and let out a sigh. She knew he was going to ask, she was just hoping it would be somewhere without the rest of the guys in earshot.

"Honestly? I feel a million times better. I think I pretty much got all the tears out last night. I woke up this morning and it was like starting over fresh. I definitely owe Ville for putting up with me last night."

"And how did that go?" Linde asked.

She purses her lips. Then looked over seeing Gas and Burton talking amongst themselves then turned to look behind her.

"They can't hear you, and neither can he." Linde assured her watching as her eyes moved to Ville.

She turned back to face him. She hesitated for a moment then let out a sigh.

"It was hard." She said as she let the camera hang from her neck.

Linde furrowed his brows.

"You promise not to judge me?" She asked.

"Have I ever?"

Aava turned just as Ville rushed for the door with Mige hot on his tail. Her eyes widened and she started to move for the door but Linde took hold of her wrist stopping her.

"No worries! Just a smoke break!" Mige assured them then followed him out.

Aava turned back to Linde and he released her wrist.

"Don't worry about him. He's been stressing out over every little thing since we decided to do this album without a label, air will do him good." Linde assured her.

She nodded then leaned against the side of the large amplifier. SHe gave one last glance in the direction they had just exited then looked back at him.

"I feel caught in between." She finally said.

Linde furrowed his brows and sat his guitar down next to him, giving her his full attention.

"What do you mean caught in between?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his seat.

Aava started to spin her ring absentmindedly.

"I know I should be sad but..." she let out a sigh. "I don't know. Ok, last night I was but while we were laying there it was like he just made it all go away."

Linde raised a brow in curiosity and Aava paused. She felt as her cheeks started to blush.

"Not like that." She said with a shake of her head. "He just laid with me and let me cry. Told me everything was going to be alright and then it was. It's always just felt so natural with him and it makes me start to wonder what if? It like I want what I know I can't have, you know what I mean?"

Linde let out a sigh and shook his head.

"I don't get you two." He said after a minute.

Aava furrowed her brows not sure on how to respond.

"You've told me time and time again, how you feel but never once have I seen you try to do something about it Aava. And we all know Ville is a bit dim in the head when it comes to women, gotta have the flashing neon signs or he will never try to pursue it. Stop dancing circled around the situation and do something about it." Linde said with a hint of agitation.

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