Under The Rose

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Chapter 12

November 10, 2011

"Hetkinen!" (Just a minute) Ville called out as he stood up from his desk and made his way to the door.

Ville opened the front door and raised his brows in surprise at all of the boxes sitting on the front step. He looked up at the delivery man who was waiting patiently.

"Moi. Minulla on toimitus Aava Kivinen. Tarvitsen vain allekirjoituksen." (Hi. I have a delivery for Aava Kivinen. I just need a signature)

Ville took the outstreched device and signed then passed it back.

"Kiitos." the delivery man said then turned and hurried back down the walkway.

Ville picked up one of the bigger boxes and made his way inside with it, sitting it against the wall.

"Aava!" Ville called up the stairs.

He made his way back outside and grabbed two more boxes then carried them inside, placing them with the other. He looked up towards the stairs and could here the blow dryer going.

Aava!" He called a little louder.

The blow dryer shut off.

"Did you call me?" She shouted.

"Did you order something? Theres a shit ton of boxes down here that just got delivered for you!" he called out as he made his way back outside to bring in more boxes.

"Oh! Its the stuff from my studio!" she exclaimed as she barroled down the stairs.

She ran out behind him and grabbed one of the boxes and Ville caught sight of her.

"Palaa sisään olet käytännössa alasti!" (get back inside you're practically naked) he hissed as he ushered her back through the door nearly dropping the boxes he had just picked up.

Aava looked down and furrowed her brows. She was wearing the same thing she had been wearing all morning, a pair of black terrycloth lounge shorts and a lavender spaghetti strap.

"Am not."

He grabbed the last two boxes and looked around the yard then turned back to her just as she turned and bent down to put the box down. He cleared his throat and chuckled.

"Kulta, those shorts aren't exactly meant for wearing outside of the house, neither is that shirt, you can see right through it. I mean I've got the perfect view from where I'm standing I could only imagine what the old man across the way might think."

Aava turned to look at him with wide eyes.

"I've been wearing this all morning, why didn't you say something!" She exclaimed.

"You were in the house and it's only us here. I wasn't expecting you to come running outside." he said with a slight chuckle as he put the boxes down and closed the door behind him.

"But the shirts see through!" she exclaimed as she pulled her arms up over her chest.

"Like I said, it's just us here."

"And if somone actually popped by for a visit?" she inquired teasingly.

"I would have begrudgingly told you to change." he said with a chuckle as he moved to walk past her.

"Begrudgingly?" she laughed.

"What? I'm not allowed to enjoy the view?" he teased.

"So you get a free show but I don't well that seems real fair!" Aava said with a coy smirk.

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