Just For Tonight pt. 2

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The door bell rang again and Ville tossed his head back in annoyance as he made his way out of the bathroom clad in nothing but a towel. Aava couldn't help but to giggle as he grumbled words of frustration along the way. She stood up stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel having decided that it was finally time to get out. She pulled the plug allowing the water to drain then dried herself off and wrapped her towel around her torso. 

Aava made her way out of the bathroom and into the room then took a seat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. She couldn't help but to wonder what would have happened had they not been interrupted by the doorbell. She leaned back on her hands and looked around the room at the little knicknacks he had lying around, smiling upon seeing the old vintage camera she had left in his safekeeping when she had moved to New York two years prior. She turned her attention back to the doorway as Ville walked back into the room with two water bottles tucked under his arm and a plate in each hand. Aava furrowed her brows in confusion earning a chuckle from Ville.

"It was my dad."

"He brought us dinner?" She asked in amusement.

"I stopped at the shop on my way home, my dad invited us over for dinner but I wasn't sure you would be up to it with how you felt earlier. He must have told my mom thus resulting in home delivery." He said with a smile.

Aava smiled as she skooted over on the bed to give him room then took the bottle of water he held out to her.

"I swear I love your parents. I especially love your mom's cooking." Aava said in excitement.

Ville laughed as he tossed his water bottle on the bed then sat down on the bed next to her.

"What do I get out of it? I mean after all if it weren't for me having stopped by to talk to my dad, you wouldn't be getting this meal." Ville said as he held the plates just out of her reach.

Aava narrowed her eyes at him.

"Seriously? You are going to withhold the food, is that really a wise idea?"

"Holding it as leverage."

She laughed.

"Leverage for what?" Aava asked in amusement.

Ville paused for a moment.

"Honestly I'm not sure." he said with a chuckle.

"You are horrible at making wagers."

"I'm sure I'll think of something eventually." Ville said with a laugh as he passed her the foil wrapped plate and a fork.

"Nah, you will forget. You always do." Aava said with a grin as she sat the plate in front of her.

Ville laughed at her retort and shook his head. Aava smiled to herself then pulled off the foil and breathed in the rich scent of the homemade veggie lasagna. She loved her mother's cooking growing up but it simply couldn't compete with Anita's and her lasagna was definitely one of her favorites. She picked up her fork then took a bite.

"Oh my gods, I think I just had an orgasm in my mouth." Aava said around the food in her mouth.

Ville nearly choked on the bite he had in his mouth and laughed heartily.

"What? It's good! You have no idea how much I missed her cooking." Aava said defensively as she took another bite.

"All these years and I never knew food got you off. That's number two just so you know." Ville joked.

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