And Love Said No

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Chapter 11

Ville laughed heartily as he placed the bags of takeout in Mige's backseat then climbed into the front seat.

"I can't be held accountable for the words that come out of my mouth." Mige said as he pulled away from the curb and headed in the direction of Ville's tower.

"Shut up." Ville said through his laughter.

Ville's phone vibrated in his pocket. He lifted his hips and pulled his phone out and looked at the screen. He raised a brow as Tarja's name flashed across it. He slid the bar to answer it.

"Hei?" He said as he put the phone to his ear.

"I hate to interrupt  your rehearsal but there's a bit of a situation at the tower. There's a girl at your door and she's screaming at Aava, she wont let her go inside." Tarja said on the other line.

Ville's stomach dropped.

"The girl, what does she look like? Long black hair? Thin? Pretty face?" He asked.

"Yeah, do you know her? She's completely wigged out." She asked.

"Fuck. Mige speed up." He said as he pulled the phone away from his ear momentarily then put it back to his ear. "Tell her to get back in the car. We will be there in a minute, I'll call the police."

"What's wrong?" Mige asked as he sped up.

Ville held up his hand for him to wait while he called the police to report the situation. He provided his address and advised them it was the same person he had removed several times within the past two weeks.

"That girl is back at my place. She won't let Aava inside, Tarja said she was wigging out." Ville said as he looked down at his phone screen then slid it back in his pocket.

A few minutes later, they came to a stop in front of Ville's tower. He jumped out of the car and looked in the direction of Tarja's car, spotting the two women standing at the front of the car. He turned his attention back to the woman who was pacing in front of his door all the while mumbling and pulling at her hair. Ville came to a stop ten feet away realizing that she seemed to be in a far worse state of mind than the last time she had been at his door. He cleared his throat, catching her attention. She stopped pacing and stared at him.

"You aren't supposed to be here." Ville edged cautiously.

"Who was that?" The woman asked.

"That doesn't matter right now, what matters is why you are here. You know you are not allowed back on this property." Ville said.

She started to cry. Ville sighed then started to turn only for her to yell at him to stop. He held his hands up.

"Ok, I'm not going anywhere." He said as he froze then turned back to face her.

"Why is she always here?" She demanded as she wiped at the tears on her face.

"She lives here." He said cautiously.

"No she doesn't." She said as she shook her head frantically.

Ville looked back over his shoulder.

"Stop looking at her!" She yelled.

Ville tensed and turned to face her again.

"Ok." he said cautiously.

"I don't understand." She said as she started to pace in front of him.

"Understand what? She does live here, you can't block her from entering our home." Ville said.

"No. You said you loved me. If you love me then why is she hear?" She said frantically and gestured towards the car where Aava was standing.

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