Just for Tonight

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Ville racked the balls and positioned them at the end of the pool table then hung the rack back up on the wall. He grabbed two pool cues from the wall then leaned up against the table while he waited for Jussi to return with their drinks. He looked around the bar and smiled, though he was no longer drinking, he still enjoyed coming along with his friends every once in a while. There were definitely a lot of memories in this old bar. He smiled as Jussi made his way back over then stood up straight.

"Alright, here we go." Jussi said as he handed him his coke then took the extra pool cue Ville was holding out to him.

"Thanks." Ville said as he took a drink and put it down on a near by table.

"No problem. You break." Jussi said as he sipped his beer and leaned up againt the edge of the pool table.

Ville made his way to the end of the table and lined up his shot. A loud crack rang through the bar and the solid yellow ball rolled into the left corner pocket. He moved around the table and lined up for his second shot.

"So I take it she finally dumped the prick?" Jussi asked as Ville sank the red.

"Yup." Ville said as he moved to the other side, examining the table set up for his next shot.

Ville lined up and took another shot, sinking the purple ball in the middle pocket. Jussi let out a hiss. He shouldn't have let Ville break, at this rate he was never even going to get to take a shot. He watched as Ville lined up for his fourth shot, he was bound to sink it too.

"Think she might be interested in getting a few drinks with me?"

Ville missed the cue ball completely earning a hearty laugh from Jussi. He stood up straight and shook his head with a slight chuckle.

"Hate to break it to you but I don't think you're her type." Ville joked as he made his way to the table and grabbed his coke.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all know she likes the tall dark and mysterious type. I've got the dark and mysterious nailed down but I'm about five inches shy of the height requirement," Jussi said as he took a shot and sank his ball in the top right then stood up and smiled at Ville. "You however, are not."

Ville shook his head.

"Seems we are both out of luck my friend. She friend zoned me years ago. Not a chance in hell."

Jussi smirked as he grabbed his beer and took a drink then went back to the pool table.

"She's staying with you, is se not?" Jussi asked.

Ville took a drink of his coke.

"For the time being."

"Didn't you just convert the second bedroom into a studio?" Jussi asked as he lined up his shot.

"I did."

Jussi sank his shot and stood up and smiled at Ville knowingly.

"So how are the sleeping arrangements fairing?"


"That only leaves one bed in that house. You are too much of a gentleman to let her sleep on the couch and she would never willingly take over your only bed. Am I right or am I wrong?"

Ville felt the heat rise to his cheeks then opened his mouth to speak but Jussi cut him off.

"You are far from friendzoned my friend. Take a chance." Jussi said as he leaned over to take another shot.

"Why is it that the subject of Aava and I is all that anyone seems to want to talk about since her return? Its like a bunch of teenagers starving for the latest gossip yet there is no gossip to be shared."

Jussi raised a brow.

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