Drunk On Shadows

574 15 1


October 24, 2011

"Aava! Is my cell down there? I can't find it!" Ville yelled from the top of the stairs.

Aava looked around on the coffee table in front of her and felt between the couch cushions.

"I don'y see it, hold on I'll call it!" she shouted over her shoulder.

She picked up her cell from the arm of the couch and dialed his number. A few seconds went by and the sound of church bells chimed somewhere in the distance. Aava got up from her spot on the couch and placed her laptop on the coffee table in front of her then made her way into his study following the familiar ring tone. Her brows furrowed as she looked around, the ringing coming to a stop.

"It's down here somewhere, I can hear it, just don't see it!" Aava said as she pressed call agian.

She heard his footsteps as he made his way down the stairs. he paused at the bottom of the stairs to listen for the ringing.

"It's in here somewhere." Aava said as she started lifting up papers on his desk finally locating it. "Got it!"

"Oh, I forgot I was talking to Seppo while I was going over some paperwork this morning. Thanks." Ville said sheepishly as he took the phone from Aava's held out hand.

"Seriously Ville, it amazes me how easily you lose your phone. I'm practically glued to mine."

"In all fareness II hate that little piece of whatever it is. I really only keep it to stay in touch with you and the guys as well as the occasional work related call. If I could lose it permanently and not have to worry about someone sending out a search party for me, I would."

Aava rolled her eyes and laughed as she made her way out of his study and into the kitchen. SHe opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle.

"Taking off?"

"Yeah, you sure you dont want to come?" he asked as he pocketed his phone and leaned up against the bar.

"Yeah, I'll be fine here." she assured him.

Ville nodded then pushed off from the bar and made his way to the door. Aava tilted her head as she watched him bend down to pull on his Doc's then quickly overted her eyes having caught herself staring. She felt the blush rise to her cheeks, thanking the gods that her bestfriend truly was oblivious to her constant oggling. A giggle slipped from her lips.

"What?" Ville asked as he adjusted the bottom of his jeans to cover his boots.

"Nothing." she said with a grin and a shake of her head.

"We should be done around six at the latest. How about you meet me at the space after and we can get dinner?" He said as he stood up straigh and retrieved his coat, pulling it on.

Aava bit her lip then let out a sigh.

"Honestly, I'm not really feeling up to going out." She said as she tightened the lid on her water bottle.

"No problem. I'll pick something up on the way home then. I know what you like." he said with a smile.

A pang of guilt hit her.

"I'm sorry." she said as she started to fittle with her ring.

Ville furrowed his brows in confusion.

"For what?"

"I'm putting a damper on your plans." She said not meeting his eyes.

Ville laughed heartilly.

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