In The Arms Of Rain

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Chapter 16

November 22, 2011

Aava laid in bed watching the clock anxiously. Ville was fast asleep next to her, his arm outstretched and resting across her bare midriff. She bit her lip in excitement as the clock finally read 12:00am. She lifted his arm carefullly and moved out from under it. She scooted to the edge of the bed and reached under. She felt around coming in contact with something and pulled it out to see what it was only to have to stiffle a giggle at the copy of 'Edward Penishands' that Kari had given him to check out before he had put it in the shop. She slid the DVD back under the bed and finally reached what she was searching for. Her smile spread wide across her face as she placed the delicately wrapped box in front of her and took it in for a moment. She turned on the lamp beside her causing Ville to let out a grumble and roll onto his other side, draping his arm over his face in the process.

"Jotta rakkaus kaiken pyhää, sammuta vitun valo!" Ville grumbled. (for the love of all things sacred, turn off the fucking light!)

Aava giggled then shook his arm slighty.

"Wake up." She said as she leaned towards him and kissed his shoulder.

"I just fell asleep and I was having a rather interesting dream." Ville grumbled from under his arm.

"What was it about?" Aava asked as she rested her chin on his bicept so she could see his face, or at least the part that his arm wasnt shielding.

Ville smiled and let out a chuckle.

"Wouldn't you like to know." he said with sleep in his voice.

"Oh so it was a good dream I take it?" she said with a giggle.

"Very." He said with a yawn as he moved his arm from his eyes and squinted to see her clearly. "Why do I have to get up?"

"It's midnight." Aava said with a smile as she bit her lip. "Happy Birthday!"

"So it is." Ville said with a smile as he rolled on to his back, pulling her to him and kissing her.

"Stop!" Aava laughed as she pushed at his chest causing Ville to groan.

She pulled away and picked up the box and placed it on his chest. He picked up the box and sat up, looking at the black wrapping paper and navy blue velvit ribbon.

"Do I have to open it? The wrapping is so nice, I really don't want to destroy it." he said.

"Just open it!" Aava exclaimed.

"Can I wait until the morning? I'm rather tired." Ville said acting as if he were going to put the box aside.

"Ville! Open it!" Aava exclaimed as she smacked the bed between them.

Ville raised an eyebrow at her and smirked.

"It seems our rolls have switched. What happened to the ever patient Aava?" he teased.

"I have spent years trying to get my hands on this specific gift, my patience went out the window a long time ago." She said with a grin.

"That good, huh? Guess we will just have to see about that." He teased as he untied the ribbon then started at the corners of the wrapping paper.

Aava let out an impatient sigh causing Ville to chuckle and slow down a bit more. He liked seeing her impatient side, it was very rare that it ever emerged so when it did, he and the guys liked to toy with her. He carefully untaped the rest of the wrapping paper and pulled it off and started to fold it neatly.

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