Scared To Death

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Chapter 17

Aava lit a cigarette as she made her way down the street. She knew he had always kept his girlfriends at somewhat of a distance when they were in public but she hadn't taken into thought what it could mean for them now that they were dating. He had never kept her back in the past, but would that all change now? She took a drag of her cigarette and pulled her beanie a little lower as she walked into the park and headed for her favorite bench. It was one of her favorite places in Helsinki save for Ville's roof deck, you could see just about everything from up there. She sat down and looked around the park. It was nearly empty with exception of a few people passing through. She slumped back and let out a sigh as she pulled the cigarette from her lips. Though the park was beautiful, sitting there alone was not how she had intended to spend the day. Ville had made mention of wanting a simple birthday day as they had already done their celebrating over the weekend.

She looked down at her hands and twisted her ring as she thought about everything Bam had said in the mere span of the two hours he had been there. A tear streamed down her face and she quickly wiped it away. She shook the thought away then opened her bag and pulled her camera out then stood up and ventured a little further into the park. She snapped picture after picture allowing her mind to clear, photography had always been her way to escape. She looked down at the screen of her camera and smiled as she looked through the images she had captured. Helsinki was absolutely beautiful in the winter whereas New York was not. She could hear the frozen grass crunch behind her but ignored it figuring it was just another passerby using the park as a short cut. She exitied the view mode then lifted the camera again and focused it.

"I knew I'd find you here." Ville said from behind her.

Aava jumped slightly then lowered her camera and looked back over her shoulder to see Ville approaching. She turned and raised her camera and snapped a picture of him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." Ville said as he came to a stop five feet away from her.

"It's ok." Aava said quietly as she met his gaze.

He seemed a little off and she didnt like it. She turned her back to him and focused her camera on the statue in front of her as tears started to prickle in her eyes.

"Have a nice chat?" she asked flatly.

"If you can even call it that." Ville said with a slight chuckle.

She heard the grass crunch again as he moved a closer. She tensed as his arms found their way around her waist and she knew he felt it by the he imediatly loosened his hold.

"Are you ok?" He asked her as he kissed her beanie topped head.

She shook her head yes then snapped another picture. He let out a sigh. She knew he could tell she was lying. They knew eachother far too well for little lies like that.

"No you aren't. Kultaseni, talk to me." Ville said as he tried to turn her to face him but she resisted.

He tried to turn her around again but she pulled away. He grabbed her camera from her hand and held it up out of her reach.

"Aava, knock it off. Turn around and talk to me and I'll give it back." Ville said with a hint of agitation.

She was being childish and she knew it but at the moment, she didn't know how else to act.

"You know I hate when you do that." Aava said as she finally turned to face him.

She wiped away a tear and Ville lowered the camera from above her head but still kept ahold of it.

In Love and Lonely (Ville Valo Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz