Chapter Two: The Mystery Woman

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Officer Haught noticed the woman first, as she had pushed her way out of Shorty's and down the street. Nicole Haught, not in her uniform but still a gun on her hip, watched the woman for a second. She made her decision, knowing that Waverly was waiting inside, but this woman—something just felt different about her. Nicole didn't exactly trust her as her stomach felt queasy as the woman limped away. The woman had a deep scar running across her mouth, to her cheek and down her neck. Taking a glance back at Shorty's, Nicole decided to follow the woman, hand on her gun.

The woman had disappeared down an alleyway, and Nicole stayed in the shadows. The woman was loud when she walked, but she had lack of ability to stop it. The woman basically dragged her limp leg along, using her left arm to lift it. Nicole was silent down the alleyway, and when the woman came to a stop, the officer put her back up against the cold wall.

"Hey, angel," curled a male voice, and someone walked into the light beside the woman. The woman stiffened, and the revenant's eyes burned red with a black outline. Nicole, watching this, pulled out her gun, ready to fire on the revenant, but she was late. The woman, in one fluid motion that no one suspected from someone who pulled their leg along, pulled out her silver and shining gun, pointing at the chest of the revenant. "But you're not—" but he never finished as a shot rang out down the hallway.

Hell opened up before, and he screamed high pitched as he went down. Burning orange and hot, Nicole felt it on her skin. The woman watched as he went down, and Nicole detected a smile on her face. Once Hell closed again, the woman put the gun back in the holster with another gun rested above her right boot. There wasn't a weapon to be seen on her lame leg. The woman glanced Nicole's direction, staring into the shadows. With a sigh, the woman turned her back and started her walk again down the alleyway.

With the gun still in her hand, Nicole went into the light before going back to Shorty's, unsure how to explain what she just saw. It was as if there was another Peacemaker in the world, and that panicked Nicole a bit. While it was exciting, what did it mean for Wynonna? Nicole entered the bar, and Waverly among the other people looked at Nicole, who still had her gun out.

"Did you shoot something?" Waverly asked concerned.

"I didn't shoot a revenant," Nicole breathed.

Immediately, Wynonna grabbed Peacemaker and stood at attention. "Revenant? Where? Outside?" Excitement sparkled in Wynonna's eyes, and her finger itched at Peacemaker's trigger. Thankfully, the safety was still on.

"No, um...." Nicole paused for a second. "Someone else shot a revenant and sent it back to Hell."

"Someone killed my revenant. That's not fair" was Wynonna's response. "How rude of them. Didn't they know I was saving him for later?" She rolled her eyes.

"Another?" Waverly questioned.

Doc stood behind the bar with his jaw tight and his ears perked. His fingers were mere inches from his guns, on the prowl for danger. Wynonna glanced at Doc, wondering how this was possible, and Doc knew no different. Peacemaker was passed down from Wyatt Earp, and Wyatt Earp had no other gun. Wynonna had even checked her side, like it somehow disappeared in a matter of seconds, but nope, it was still safely in her boot.

"Who?" Wynonna asked.

Nicole shrugged. "I've never seen her before. She had a limp and a scar on her cheek going—"

"—down to her neck," Doc finished.

"You know who she is?" Wynonna asked.

Doc shook his head. "She came through those doors a few minutes ago, looked around and then left. She had a very distinct look about her. She looked as if she hadn't showered in ages."

Nicole took a deep breath.

Waverly noticed. "What is it?"

"I hate to say it because of what we know, but she looked as if she's walked through Hell."

"But she wasn't a revenant?" Wynonna checked.

"I know what I saw. It was Peacemaker, and her hands were not getting burned."

Wynonna took a deep breath as she set her lips in a hard line. "Where was she?"

"In the alleyway behind here."

Doc said, "Waverly, Nicole, go out the front and around. We'll take the back."

Separating, Nicole and Waverly took the front. Nicole stood in front of her girlfriend with a gun poised down the alleyway. Shadows threatened to hide more than them. A dim light lit up the back, but even then, it didn't give much. Waverly had her own weapon, but it was the best she was able to grab for the moment. The door burst open, and Wynonna and Doc stumbled out, guns pointed.

As for the woman, she was gone. Even if they were to separate down the alleyways, Nicole suspected that they still wouldn't find her. She may have walked with a limp and held her own leg, but if she held and shot Peacemaker, she was somehow connected to the Earp's. She had to be resourceful.

"She was here," Nicole stated.

Wynonna bent down and noticed some marks on the pavement. The revenant had been swallowed whole. Even then, Peacemaker was vibrating.

"Why is it doing that?" Waverly asked, edging closer into the light.

"I don't know." Wynonna didn't like not knowing, and she was damn sure going to find out.

Two Peacemakers  (Wynonna/ Alice Earp AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora