Chapter Fourteen: Like Mother, Like Daughter

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When Wynonna came back, she found Doc and Dolls missing and Jeremy entertaining Alice. Jeremy joked around, and Alice laughed. She sat in a chair, leaning back with her hair down from its bun. The thick waves fell around her shoulders. Wynonna walked in with her heels clicking against the ground and a bottle of whiskey and a box of doughnuts, and she said "Come on, kid" to Alice. Alice followed without question.

Out in the cold, the two females found somewhere to sit, ate their selected doughnuts and passed the bottle of alcohol back and forth. Wynonna didn't want to be controlling, but she was happy to have her daughter alone to herself. Doc had time with Alice, along with Waverly and Jeremy. Wynonna had missed out on this time. Wynonna wanted to believe that she had the rest of her life, which made a sad smile come to her face because the rest of her might've been shorter than expected. She wanted to soak up as much time with Alice as possible. It was time for some mother-daughter bonding.

Reaching up, Wynonna pushed hair back for her daughter's face, and Alice halted for a second. Wynonna's hand hovered there for a second if this was wrong or if Alice was in pain; her face looked like it. When Alice moved her head closer to her mother's hand, then Wynonna went back to wiping the hair back.

"So, kid," Wynonna said, "what are your hobbies? What do you like to do for fun?"

"Kill revenants."

"No. That's your job. What do you like to do with your free time?"

Alice pursed her lips. "When I was young, I liked to watch TV. Sometimes it was hard to pull me away from the screen."

"So, what? You wanted to be an actress?"

Alice shrugged. "I'm an Earp." There hadn't been time for other things. Her reading level was low, and while her keeper had tried to teach her math and reading, none of it compared to training and killing revenants. He always stated there was time later for such things. When the television went out, Alice did her best to remember the old shows and movies; they played through her mind. "I do Earp things."

"Well, you need a hobby." Wynonna took the bottle of whiskey and drank from it heavily. It was surprisingly that she didn't hiss from the burning taste or swaying because of the alcohol content.

After a second, Alice faced her mom. "Can I ask you a question?"

Wynonna took another swig. "Shoot." There wasn't one speck of concern. Nothing fazed Wynonna Earp.

"Why Dolls? He's such a dick."

She snorted, and alcohol came from her mouth. Her coughing turned into laughing, and it didn't stop until she drank more whiskey. The liquid bubbled, and Wynonna shook the bottle as she set it down.

Alice tried to keep her face not as stiff as she felt. Taking the bottle from her mother's hand, Alice took a long drink. The alcohol was smooth, but it still burned. A hiss escaped Alice's lips.

Wynonna sighed. "Dolls is... what he is, like the rest of us are."

"And you like him?"

"Well, yeah." Wynonna shrugged and took a drink. She didn't seem bothered by the question, but she wasn't so sure on her answer. It was a complicated relationship between Dolls and herself.

"And he likes you."

Wynonna put the alcohol down. "What's up, kid? You really don't like Dolls that much?" There was a nervous smile on her face.

"It's not that, exactly." Alice took a drink to gain confidence. "He's the only one around in the future. He's the only one that survives." There had been a reason to her madness when it came to Dolls.

Wynonna took a deep breath. Now that she knew this, Wynonna knew why Alice might've thought Dolls was a dick. He probably got worse after the world ended. "You know him."

"Don't tell him please."

"Why not?"

"It will only make things worse. He already thinks I'm hiding things and he doesn't trust me." Their relationship in the future wasn't strong either.

"Are you hiding things?" Wynonna asked, taking the bottle back.


"What are these things?"

Alice pursed her lips. "I came back to save you and Doc, I swear I did, but in case that you fail, I have to kill a certain revenant. That way I can save myself." Her back started to itch.

Wynonna nodded and finished off the bottle. She could respect that. "How old are you?"

"Under the age of twenty-seven," Alice said. "If I'm being honest, no one ever kept track. After Hell came, no one kept track of days or years. I just know that I am running out of time. All the revenants you've killed and I've killed, all the revenants will rise again and I'll have to start all over." Alice picked up where her mother left off, but it was out of desperation to survive.

Wynonna said, "Then we should get to killing." Standing, she held out her own Peacemaker.

Alice pulled out her own Peacemaker, and they were buzzing from being so close. Out they went.

Two Peacemakers  (Wynonna/ Alice Earp AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora