Chapter Seventeen: Alice is Missing

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Dolls parked the car outside the warehouse, and he knew where he was. He had been planning on coming here and bring Wynonna along. It was said that some revenants were hiding out here. Dolls cursed himself as he realized Wynonna had known about it. Worst part was Wynonna probably didn't realize what was inside.

After getting out of the vehicle, Dolls and Doc clocked their guns and began their walk over. Dolls warned Doc what might be found inside. Dolls hoped Wynonna knew better than to get inside, especially if her truck was gone. While her phone put her here, Dolls wanted to believe that she just dropped it. Dolls hoped she saw the revenants and got out. Doc wanted to believe that too because that meant Alice had been here.

Dolls whipped the door open to the warehouse, and they shone a light in. There was no rustling or hissing, which was a good sign. Their flashlights crossed and separated while keeping their guns up, looking for any signs of life.

"Blood," Dolls called, and Doc walked over. Little drops of blood created a path that they followed. When they came to the end, they came to the still body of Wynonna. Dolls went into panic mode as he walked over and tried to wake Wynonna. Her head was bleeding, and he desperately tried to find the source. "Wynonna."

She groaned.

Doc bent down. "What happened?"


Doc stood and looked around. "I'm going to find her." He took his own light and went off into the darkness.

Wynonna groaned again and rolled onto her back. The bright light from Dolls' flashlight made her blink and flinch away. She put her hand to her head and felt for blood. "Alice."

"Doc is going to find her."

"No, he's not. Rosita took her."

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know."

Doc ran back in. "I couldn't find her."

Wynonna had tears in her eyes, so Dolls took over, "Rosita has her."

"Rosita?" Doc couldn't believe it for a second because his mind turned back to Rosita, the woman he knew. Now, Rosita was a revenant, using her instincts. This was the Rosita that was willing to kill Wynonna after giving birth and kidnapping their newborn daughter. This was the Rosita that held laboring Wynonna captive and hurt Waverly.

"I messed up," Wynonna groaned. "I'm sorry." She tried to stand but swayed on her feet and tumbled down. Dolls caught her before she hit the ground.

"I'll get her, and you call Waverly and Nicole," Dolls said to Doc. "We need to find Alice." Dolls didn't trust Alice, but he assumed she wasn't working with revenants, so there was a positive side to her. Dolls picked up Wynonna.

Doc stayed still. "If Rosita didn't kill Wynonna, then what is she after with Alice?"

That was the question, and no one could really answer it. Maybe Wynonna had the answer but with her head breathing and currently passed out, she wasn't much help.

Two Peacemakers  (Wynonna/ Alice Earp AU)Where stories live. Discover now