Chapter Six: The Peacemakers

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At the Black Badge Division, Aly met Officer Haught and Jeremy, where Jeremy was anything but cool. His high energy and rambling made her uncomfortable. His eyes had been on Aly since she stepped in, which brought Aly's hand down on her gun. Doc stepped between them, leading her into the next room. Waverly did some explaining to Nicole, which meant she had been right.

In the office area, Jeremy stuck a swab in Aly's mouth, and she almost took his finger off. Jeremy let out as a gasp as he pulled back. All eyes turned to them with a swab stuck in her mouth. Aly spat it out. Jeremy basically ran away with it. Aly sat at the desk and twiddled her thumbs.

Nicole leaned over to her girlfriend, "You called Wynonna, right?"

Waverly nodded. It had been an awkward call on the phone, and at the last moment, Waverly chickened out. "I didn't tell her who the woman is."

"What?" Nicole asked in a harsh whisper. "You didn't tell her this could possibly be Alice? Her daughter!"

"Well," Waverly began.

Nicole stared forward at Aly and Doc, and it was easy to see Doc was hanging back. On the other hand, Aly looked just as comfortable. "I saw her at Shorty's last night, and Doc said she was there. She didn't say anything about that?"

"No," Waverly said. "To be honest, we haven't exactly asked hard questions, like why are you here, how did you get here, what do you want, why aren't revenants all dead? I got the idea that she and Doc have never actually met, so that's another can of worms." Waverly stood with her arms crossed on her chest.

The door squeaked open and Wynonna strolled in and found Aly sitting at a desk with Peacemaker out too; Wynonna took out her Peacemaker in her hand. All eyes fell onto that hand. Aly grabbed her own. "Wynonna, don't," someone yelled. When they came close in contact, they started to buzz, shaking in their respected hands, and Wynonna let out a gasp. Suddenly, the guns propelled themselves in opposite directions, flying into the furthest corners.

"What the Hell?" Wynonna exclaimed.

 Aly was also not happy as she slowly got up from her seat and hobbled over to her gun. It was a balancing act as she lowered herself to get it. With a few heavy breaths, she finally managed to retrieve it from the ground.

Wynonna had grabbed her own Peacemaker, and now Doc, Waverly and Nicole stood in the middle. Dolls stood behind Wynonna, watching this situation with an even dark gaze. Aly was against the wall and she felt cornered, which wasn't a good combination with her past. Her trigger finger itched, but she wasn't sure who she wanted to point it at.

"Wynonna," Waverly said, "there's an explanation."

"Why the Hell does she have a Peacemaker?" Wynonna asked.

"Hey, you guys, I got the results." Jeremy walked in and then skidded to a stop, sensing tension. "Hi, Wynonna, didn't want to wait for the news?"

All eyes snapped to him, but Doc was the one to speak, "Well, yes or no?"

"What are you talking about?" Dolls interjected.

"I would sit this one out, Dolls," replied Nicole.

Jeremy watched with eyes wide and mouth ajar. This was a lot of pressure. "Does Wynonna not know?"

"Yes or no, Jeremy?" Doc commanded.

"Yes, there are familial matches, yes."

"Familial matches?" Wynonna asked, waving her gun around again. "What are you talking about, Jeremy?"

"Um..." he stuttered.

"Wynonna," Doc said, carefully walking over, "let's put down the gun, because this woman here— this is Alice. This is our daughter."

Wynonna's eyes shot to Aly, the woman in the corner holding Peacemaker, and then she saw nothing. Falling into one heap, Wynonna just saw black.

Two Peacemakers  (Wynonna/ Alice Earp AU)Where stories live. Discover now