Chapter Three: A Gun is a Girl's Best Friend

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In the morning, Wynonna showed up at BBD, coffee and doughnuts in her hands and already a bad mood blooming. Most days she strolled into work after kicking revenant ass the previous night and at least some satisfaction on her face. Those revenant kills usually held her over, and some part of her felt normal again. On this very special morning, she pitied any revenant that dared to step into her path.

The vibrating of the gun had stopped after leaving the scene and hadn't buzzed since. Wynonna had it in her mind just to start walking around Purgatory with the gun out, waiting for it to buzz if it got close enough to the fake. That was what Wynonna decided to call it: a Peacemaker fake. Someone else around her was killing revenants, and while Wynonna welcomed the help, there was a greed in her that wanted it for herself. Waverly, on the other hand, had been up all night with hypothesizes of what it could be, and some of them were far out there. With each new hypothesis, she became more excited. Wynonna would've just been happy with sending this fake back to whatever Hell she came from.

"I don't like that look," Dolls said.

"Did Nicole already fill you in?" Wynonna asked as she reached into her desk and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. She dumped whiskey into her coffee.

"You mean," Jeremy walked in excitedly, "there is another Peacemaker, and basically, it can kill too. And this girl has great aim and a limp. Yes. I bet she's a badass. Whoever she is. She's a badass. I think I might be in love."

Wynonna scoffed. "Whoever she is, we need to find her now." She stroked her gun.

"You sound jealous that she also has Peacemaker," Jeremy said. Wynonna shot him a look, and he found the ground appealing,

"She will come out in time." Dolls kept a calm voice and demeanor. Someone had to be the voice of reason. "For now, let's focus on the demon and everything else."

"If she's on our side, do you think she can help us kill him?" Jeremy asked.

Wynonna chugged her coffee and whiskey and then slammed the cup on the desk. "If she's not on our side, why the Hell does she have Peacemaker?" She stroked her own Peacemaker.

"We'll find her," Dolls said. "Now, come on, we have a lead on the demon, and I don't think you're going to like where he is."

Wynonna rolled her eyes and led the charge out of the office. Dolls gave a warning glance back at Jeremy to keep his damn mouth shut, but everyone knew that wasn't going to happen. The best they could wish for was Jeremy just not pissing off Wynonna anymore. She had been through enough over the past— well, her life. But in recent memory, it was barely over a month ago that she said good bye to her daughter Alice Michele Earp. And she was doing her best to cope, which somehow meant more whiskey.

Outside, Purgatory was yet into another cloudy day, and a new question had started to run through Wynonna's mind recently: which one of these humans were humans or revenants in disguise? Somehow, Wynonna had to find all of the revenants. Some of the revenants held in plain sight, like Rosita had done, and Wynonna didn't actually want to point her gun at everyone. It would've taken too long. Wynonna watched her surroundings outside, hand on Peacemaker. Most of her wanted it to buzz, knowing the fake was around here somewhere, but then again, Dolls called to her to get in the car. Dolls was right about this woman: she wasn't going to stay in the shadows long. They would be seeing her very soon.

Two Peacemakers  (Wynonna/ Alice Earp AU)Where stories live. Discover now